Beyblade age groups?

Poll: Which age group do you fit into??

11-14 Years.
15-18 Years.
19+ Years Old.
Total: 100% 816 vote(s)
im 13 so that make me in the 11-14
I am 14 and I relive that if you are ashamed to be a blader than don't be one, but it's not like you should walk around and tell everyone, none of my friends know but we never talk about it and it's not like I hide them
Only slightly more than a month left before this topic gets locked.
Im 4..... plus a decade
I'm 14. Not much to say. but only like, 5 of the many bladers in my area are my age.
We are almost close to the deadline of this topic, and I have noticed one sad conclusion :

Our data verifies that officially more than half of our members are discriminated by Hasbro's age limit of 8-13 years old for their World Championships. I would not claim that the digit of the units is completely exact, but the number I have come to is actually 58%. This is simply unacceptable : Hasbro is intentionally ignoring over half of their fanbase.

The data collected in this poll is very fair : there are not only active or inactive members who have voted, it is quite random and spread accordingly between the two. Furthermore, it is not like our website catters mostly to older Bladers. There is nothing, upon visiting as a guest, that really invites the oldest Bladers more than the younger ones. We do not have games like on, but that is not all people are interested in at all.

Does our userbase represent the general fanbase ? Yes, I would say so. There is no excuse of older people being more on the computer or being more able to find us, and we even have kids below that age limit, who perform really well in our tournaments actually.
i agree with Kai-V, i'm coming up to my 13th birthday, and i hate the fact that as soon as that year passes i won't be able to go to a hasbro world tournament if they do one, it's sad, that hasbro doesn't understand the users of their products, it surely doesn't matter what the age, we are all connected by the means of beyblade! none of us mind how old our friends on here are! i'm alot younger then alot of my friends on here, but we don't mind! i find it disrespectful that they ignore such a vast amount of people!
I know I make it through the USA Battle Series agewise, but does this rule still apply in the Worlds?
i'm guessing, hasbro's full age range is this, so i will be really upset, atleast there will be WBO tournaments
(Aug. 24, 2011  9:35 PM)Nwolf Wrote: i'm guessing, hasbro's full age range is this, so i will be really upset, atleast there will be WBO tournaments

Yeah, if I win the USA championships and the "no 14+" rule will apply in Toronto, then that's annoying.
What is your date of birth, Ultimatefry ?
(Aug. 24, 2011  9:58 PM)Kai-V Wrote: What is your date of birth, Ultimatefry ?

Early November.
Quote:The opportunity to play to qualify for the BEYBLADE World Championship, as described below in the Grand Prize, is designed to showcase and judge the talent of Beybladers with roughly the same level of experience and maturity and is therefore only open to individuals from participating countries between the ages eight (8) and twelve (12) years old (the "World Championship Age Requirements")

Wow, twelve years old now for the World Championships ... So, Ultimatefry, you could enter all the United States tournaments and even go to the national championships without any problems, however you already have no chance to get to the actual finals.
(Aug. 25, 2011  1:42 AM)Kai-V Wrote:
Quote:The opportunity to play to qualify for the BEYBLADE World Championship, as described below in the Grand Prize, is designed to showcase and judge the talent of Beybladers with roughly the same level of experience and maturity and is therefore only open to individuals from participating countries between the ages eight (8) and twelve (12) years old (the "World Championship Age Requirements")

Wow, twelve years old now for the World Championships ... So, Ultimatefry, you could enter all the United States tournaments and even go to the national championships without any problems, however you already have no chance to get to the actual finals.

To the bribe bank!
I missed out by one year. Now that's not good...
A lot of people got back into Beyblade with hopes for the world championships, but all these limitations are just crazy.
(Aug. 25, 2011  2:50 AM)Kai-V Wrote: A lot of people got back into Beyblade with hopes for the world championships, but all these limitations are just crazy.

Well, they're not really smart. Most of the fans are above that age group.
Now I am strating to feel happy that I am 10 but these rules so far look like they are gonna suck sorry for getting to off-topic.
Wait... there is a no 14+ limitation? That sucks... I only have 6 months to get some super awesome beyblades to win a tourney... but, based on the average amount of money I have, that probably won't happen...
Apparently you are already too old for the world championships anyway ...

What is the goal of starting something if you cannot even go to the end ? That is discouraging ...
WE should petition Hasbro. OR maybe someone should enter the US tournament and pretend to be younger and win. Then reveal who they really are. That would be kinda awesome.
(Oct. 04, 2010  8:32 PM)Blader Rapson Wrote: Hey Im 12 (13 in december)Unfortunately nearly all the people in my school hate beyblades...Unhappy And as for my area... Dont get me started... But just to ask, any one else beyblade in washington?

yes i did just do that. ^ XD
(Aug. 25, 2011  4:14 AM)Dark_Mousy Wrote: WE should petition Hasbro. OR maybe someone should enter the US tournament and pretend to be younger and win. Then reveal who they really are. That would be kinda awesome.

Well, I was thinking to see if I could win the USA championships, and if they don't let me into the Worlds, I start an outrage, or something.
Lie about your age if u look young enough *prepares to lie because he looks to small for hes age -.-*