(Jul. 26, 2012 10:49 AM)MaskedBlader_UK Wrote: Can Someone Please test out this combo MF-H Wing pegasus(all modes) BD145CS. i was playing around trying to fin a counter to Flash And to Death__ 230WD/MB, Duo__ 230 MB. i would test it but i cant atm because i do not have bb-10 i only have prototype nemasis stadium and my friend has bb-10 but he has gone to see his grandma
I've done this testing in the past, and while I can't find the official testing I've done I can safely say that this custom cannot handle Flash well no matter what mode Wing is in (Ironclad Attack mode is typically the best for Defense since it has better stamina and a more centered movement pattern). This isn't to say it does truly poorly against Flash, but it doesn't counter it by any means. As far as the Death and Duo tests go, I can't imagine Wing beating them since they are basically Stamina types (especially Duo).
If you can, use Kerbecs or Unicorno II on Wing since they're three-sided. While two-sided clear wheels aren't bad, three-sided clear wheels give better balance overall.