One day,a blader named Jayden was at a Beyblade tournament."Let's go!"Jayden cried."Let's win this thing!"His Bey smashed at the opponent's Ray Zurafa M145DS.Zurafa ended up with a stadium out.Jayden said,"Yes!We won!"The other blader said,"You got lucky this time!Next time:I will beat you!"Jayden adds,"In your dreams!"As Jayden walks home,he sees a large beam come from the park.Nobody was there,then the beam faded.He saw a Beyblade spinning,then it stopped.Jayden picks up the bey.He then examines it.It was a Rock Libra BD145RS.After he found out it's name,he then said out,"Let's go Rock Libra!",then he tried it out.It had outstanding power!Power Jayden couldn't even control!