NOTE: The below is the first edition of chapter one, it’s horrible, the spoiler system on it is broken, but I don’t want to edit it for the sake of remembering it
Chapter 1: (Someone please give me a good title for the chapter, I can’t think of anything :(.)
Spoiler (Click to View)
“Okay fine but first I need to check the time, we need to be at his RV at four.” Reagan looked at her watch only to see that it was three fifty five. “Harold! We’re going to be late!” Reagan said starting to run with Harold right behind her.
“Hehehe! You look tired!” The one eyed BeyTrainer laughed.
“Maybe it’s because we ran all the way here so we wouldn’t be late!” Reagan said between breaths.
“Hehehe! You’re early! It’s three o’five!” The laughing BeyTrainer said. “You must’ve forgotten to change your clock back an hour for the end of Daylight Saving Time!”
“That probably explains why you were late to school, Reagan.” Harold said to his Red headed friend.
“ANYWAYS! What about our BEYBLADES? You have them, right?” Reagan said with both anger and eagerness.
“Well… about that… I only had time to make the layer and disk, not the driver. But if you can go to the BeyShop and get two drivers, I can give them some upgrades.” Said the BeyTrainer.
“Last one there is a rotten egg!” Harold yelled flying out the door.
“Harold! Come back! You need your BEYBLADE!” Reagan called after Harold. Harold came back feeling both embarrassed and awkward.
Raul handed the new layers and disks over to the two kids. “Reagan, pick a name for your layer. Your disk is called ‘Swap’. Harold, do the same thing and your disk is called Flame.” Raul said while leading them out the door. “See you later! Hehehe!”
“I’m calling my BEYBLADE Hypnotize Rhea!” Reagan announced. “What is your BEYBLADE going to be called?”
“Cool name! Also I’m not sure about the name of my BEYBLADE.” Harold said.
Reagan and Harold went into the BeyShop. Reagan chose “Trick” and Harold chose “Destroy”. Reagan and Harold both payed for their drivers that were $2.99 each. On way back to the RV they walked through a BeyPark with tons of happy bladers. At one stadium though only one blader was happy. The unhappy blader appeared to be holding a broken blue Kinetic Satomb. The happy blader appeared to have a mask with gold eyes. The unhappy blader ran off crying running past Harold.
“We need to show him who’s boss!” Reagan said with much determination. “He can’t keep breaking BEYBLADES!”
“No! We just got new BEYBLADES! We don’t know what they can do! We don’t even have the driver upgrades!” Harold said trying not to believe what Reagan was doing. “Come back, Reagan! We can’t handle him!” Reagan started to pull out her BEYBLADE. “There’s no point in trying to stop her, I guess.” Harold said with fear for his friend.
“I’ll make you a deal! If I win a battle then you leave this park and don’t come back!” Reagan said.
“Sure. But if I win I get to break as many BEYBLADES as I want. Including yours.” Said the Masked person.
Reagan looked unsure. “Fine.” Reagan pulled out her ripcord Launcher and and put her BEYBLADE on it.
3!…2!…1!…Let It Rip! A purple and black BEYBLADE flew off of the gold eyed blader’s Launcher and started making a loose flower pattern.
“Now Nemesis! Gold Hammer!” The BEYBLADE called “Nemesis” zoomed toward Rhea knocking it out of the stadium. But before it hit the concrete ground, Reagan snatched it so it wouldn’t get scratched up.
Reagan started running away. “I’ll be back!” Reagan yelled.
“So! Do you admit that you should’ve stayed here and actually practiced?” Harold said with a big smirk.
Reagan glared At Harold and hit him in the arm playfully. “Oh, shut up.” This made Harold start smiling.
Soon they reached the RV. “Ready for those upgrades?” Raul said taking the two drivers from Reagan and Harold. “They’ll be ready tomorrow hehehehehehehehehe.”
“Okay.” Both of the children said in perfect harmony.
…To Be Continued