Short Summary
"Valt and his friends step up for their first ever team battle! Their opponents are Xhaka's BeyClub "Sword Flames". Valt is fired up for his first ever team battle, but appearing before Valt and his friends is...?"
Extended Summary
"Valt and his friends visit Xhaka's dojo once again. As they get fired up for their first ever match in a team battle, they meet a new member of Xhaka's BeyClub; Ibuki Ukyo. While Ukyo sets his eyes on Valt, the Team Battle's first match against Daina begins!"
Further Extended Summary
"Valt and his friends visit Xhaka's dojo once again. As they get fired up for their first ever match in a team battle, Ibuki Ukyo appears before them. He is a member of Xhaka's BeyClub, who observed Valt's previous battles from the shadows. While Dyna, who is brought out as the first player, attempts to take advantage of the spikes in the Xhakuenji Special stadium, Ukyo's facial expressions..."
In case anyone hadn't guessed already as well; Ukyo uses Unlock Unicorn.