Bey Tournaments India - Read Rules in 1st Post!

Ok,Thaen thats Alright.Well have it,Hope so Everything goes Alright, and Dude what about the Prizes.Cant We start the Event At Around 11:40-12, I'll be more sutible and atleast N0body will have some Rest.
(Mar. 31, 2012  6:25 PM)SpikeBeyRaahul Wrote: Ok,Thaen thats Alright.Well have it,Hope so Everything goes Alright, and Dude what about the Prizes.Cant We start the Event At Around 11:40-12, I'll be more sutible and atleast N0body will have some Rest.

That's what I said here:

Quote:If your arriving at 8:45 then around 12:00 should be fine in Cubbon Park. It takes about an hour and a half to an hour at minimum from the airport accounting for any traffic, we shouldn't see much since its Sunday morning. Plus that one hour of practice you want... We should be set up and ready by 11:30 - 11:45.

Before we make it Plastics + MFB we have to find out if the other participants are fine with this.
Dude you never even answered my question what about the Prizes.
Saying that sounds funny.. N0body is proposing it.. XD..
Well, its better to have a plastics event because I have many of them and want to sell most of them.
Then, I'll see if I can get hold of a PC tomorrow... Because right now I'm in a bus w/o my family so...
BTW, for the name of the event, should we have it as 'Wrath of the Dragoon'?
Go Ahead It sounds like a good Name.I'll Surly Buy some of your Plastics.
Whoa, you are actually proposing the event in Bangalore too?! Wow, you have actually hosted more tourneys in other cities than in your own! XD
What?! Do you mean to say that you'll have only a Plastics tourney, and no MFB ones? Confused
Aw please, we want to see the Titans of India clash and clink with metals too... That is actually what they all are masters at, and have good combos and parts of(i.e. You all have amazing MFBs, and you also got this BeyRank of yours in MFB battles. So, an MFB tourney has to be there!!!) Wink
No Ways Dude we are Surly Having a MFB Otherwise I'm Droping Out.I Wish Relic was also there.
Current city:Mumbai
Current state:Maharashtra
Yes please keep it mfb + plastics like the mumbai one.I have bad news there is no reply from electric when he told me he would send the fees and he has to send it fast otherwise we are doomed.
(Apr. 05, 2012  6:02 AM)darkbull9999 Wrote: Yes please keep it mfb + plastics like the mumbai one.I have bad news there is no reply from electric when he told me he would send the fees and he has to send it fast otherwise we are doomed.

Ok... that is a big problem...

We meet up at 12:00 near Queens Statue Gate as usual.
Wait, does that mean that you all can't host a tournament without paying the fees of the previous tourney?
Man, what is Electric up to?
He might be too busy of course, but probably not so much so that he can't spend five minutes to pay the fees...
Come on, Electric! Where's you? Its been so long since we all heard from you...
@Jantarblast-agree with you he has not been around for a long time.

I am glad to see so many Indian flags on the Upcoming Events list, I guess my dream is almost the truth. Anyway I heard about the problems I caused, because of not sending the fees. I am sorry, I assure you I am not a fraud or a thief, I will not under any circumstances run away with your money, I will love to host tournaments after that but that is like making a company-dissolving mistake and then asking for a raise. So I will host my tournaments when I am capable to transfer money on time. Please do not lose faith in me, as many Indians already have. Sorry guys, I hate myself for doing that. I will send the money, but I don't want to make empty promises as to when.
By the way, I got a broadband connection again, I'll see to it that I get myself online here for 2-4 hours every single day, but I got a lot to catch up to.

Edit: Irony, I posted that on a page where I was summoned
Wow Electric is back now so i expect tourneys again in Banglore!

wElCuM Electric!

Good to see you back, man! Smile
Its been sometime now, and of course there is a lot more going on, and you certainly won't have problems catching up with it.
And as this isn't a welcoming thread, lets get onto topic-

We actually haven't lost faith in you, just that your rather unannounced and long period of inactivity did have us worried. Moreover, you always were in touch with the Bangalore people, so there was nothing which would make us lose faith in you.

As for you not paying the money, that has queued up the tourneys quite a bit... So please do it as soon as you can.

And yes, we have finally achieved our dream of getting a bunch of tourneys in India. You'll be happy to know that we still have BeyDays coming, sooo you can expect a lot more from us, haha!
We have had a lot of support from other members, and that is all what made it possible.

This may actually sound like a Going Away/Coming Back Topic related post, but well...
Oh yeah, now that you mention the Going Away/Coming Back thing... I've kinda lost the liking for beyblade. I've gotten a bit bored and I've pretty much given it up now. So sorry, any Chennai guys, but you'll have to find a different person to host a tournament. I'm only on this place now because of the Poke-Fusion Lab... Sorry.
Electric please Pay the Money fast because we cant host Beyblade Tournaments in Bangalore.
Guys I have a Plan,I dont think so its a good Idea.Why dont we have a Tournament where it is like Bangalore Vs Hyderabad or Bangalore Vs Mumbai,like how the other Tournament Indonasia Vs Singapore.
(Apr. 25, 2012  4:29 AM)SpikeBeyRaahul Wrote: Electric please Pay the Money fast because we cant host Beyblade Tournaments in Bangalore.
Guys I have a Plan,I dont think so its a good Idea.Why dont we have a Tournament where it is like Bangalore Vs Hyderabad or Bangalore Vs Mumbai,like how the other Tournament Indonasia Vs Singapore.

how does it work like????
(Apr. 25, 2012  4:29 AM)SpikeBeyRaahul Wrote: Electric please Pay the Money fast because we cant host Beyblade Tournaments in Bangalore.
Guys I have a Plan,I dont think so its a good Idea.Why dont we have a Tournament where it is like Bangalore Vs Hyderabad or Bangalore Vs Mumbai,like how the other Tournament Indonasia Vs Singapore.

I had given that idea before when I was new to this place. And now, I feel stupid about giving such weird ideas. Tongue_out
1. It will involve too much of money which I dont think people will pay just for 'beyblades'
2. It is not a feasible idea because there will be confusion as to whether Mumbai people go to Bangalore or vice-versa and then people may want the opposite..
3. I have no idea how you think it will work so, if you shed light on how you think it will work, then I may be able to help..(if it is a practical plan)
I know its a bit off topic but people who are looking to buy the new releases of metal masters beyblades should go for these sites...
Firstcry Beyblades
Wowkart Beyblades
Their stock is new and fresh and they have hades kerbecks, twisted tempo, meteo assault ver, ultimate gravity destroyer, attack, spiral capricorn, ray gil, cyclone herculeo, flame byxis, evil befall, flame serpent, poison virgo,etc...
Hope its helpful.... Smile
This is the pic of my BB-10 stadium
(May. 22, 2012  8:10 AM)gameboysuperman Wrote: This is the pic of my BB-10 stadium

Unfortunately, that is not an authentic Attack Type Bey Stadium made by Takara Tomy. It's a fake stadium called EMCO. Its dimensions are exactly the same, but the material is different. It's a lot more slippery, ie: 8-9 min solo spin for B:D.

In Indonesia's local toy shops, they give out that stadium for free for purchases above $10,-.

More importantly, it's illegal for WBO Organized Play.
ohh thats we wont be able to have a tourney on 26th...this is the only stadium for 26th mumbai will have tourney on 27th only!!
are you sure because it had the takara tomy logo when i bought and on top of that i have bought it from toys r us so how can it be fake??
I'm positive. I have 17-18 of them. New Boy is considerably new in the business. They have plagiarized design before. They probably were not aware. Same case with Bankee in the Phillipines were they allowed fake stadiums for their WBBA tournaments a while back. EMCO stadium is sold in Toys R Us here as well. It still doesn't make them authentic.


For future knowledge. That EMCO attack stadium, when sold separately is valued at US$ 5,- retail. But nobody buys them, since Toys R Us gives them for free for promotional items.