(Jan. 03, 2011 2:10 PM)janpegasus Wrote: maybe theyre scared of their beyblades breaking,or being afraid of losin' etc.
That maybe it , a little off topic here but when i went to WCG India mumbai qualifiers in 2009 for Fifa many of my friends who are good at Fifa & CS Didn't come because they were afreaid of the tough competition , they said so to me , i on the other hand went got knocked out but still had lots of fun
(Jan. 03, 2011 2:10 PM)janpegasus Wrote: And guys I cant venture far for a Beyblade tourney OK...... If they are held in Mumbai then sure I'll come but if in Delhi or Chennai then...................
Thats why i am classifying members according to cities
so when we have about 20 members from each city we can host tournaments , why i am saying 20 because i saw a vid of Canadian WBO Tournament & it had about 15-30 members
so rest assure people from mumbai or any other city can only play in their home city ,, unless WBO permits someone from lets say mumbai to play in a tournament in a different city
otherwise a Tournament in mumbai or any other city will only be held if we have 20 or more members from that city
(Jan. 04, 2011 5:22 AM)gokurox Wrote: how many people do we need before we can start a tournament?
At least 20 members bro if you are in chennai - tamil nadu , you at least need 20 people from your city / state
because these tournaments are WBO Sponsored so WBO Puts entry fees on these tournaments to recover the costs for the prizes