Best Out of the Box?

Poll: Zero-G synchrome sets, do they count as out of the box?

Total: 100% 175 vote(s)
Hi there, if you're looking to invest competitively in a new format without spending too much money these beys are definitely where you should start! Once you get to MFB, the top lists may not be too great individually, but when paired with the rest of the top 5 they are quite a force to be reckoned with!

Finalized Lists:

1. DEMS/DGMS (Dark Effigy/Dark Gargoyle MS)
2. Wolborg MS
3. Advance Striker
4. Advance Averazer
5. Jiraiya MS

1. Driger V2
2. Driger S
3. Driger G
4. Dranzer V2
5. Seaborg

1. Phantom Orion B:D
2. Death Quetzalcoatl 125RDF
3. Hell Kerbeces BD145EDS
4. Dark Knight Dragooon LW160BSF
5. Bandid Genbull F230TB

1. Phantom Orion B:D
2. Bandid Genbull F230TB
3. Dark Knight Dragooon LW160BSF
4. Samurai Ifraid W145CF
5. Thief Phoenic E230 GCF

1. Lightning L-Drago 100HF
2. Cosmic Pegause W105RF
3/4/5. Super Deck Set: Burn Cancer 90 WD, Pegasis 90 RF, Libra 100D

IDK if this will be closed, but I'll give my opinions.
Attack: Driger G
Balance: Driger S/V2

Attack: Cosmic Pegasus (Metal Fury)/Screw Capricorn?/Hyperblade Blitz Striker?/Variares in F mode?
Defense: Death Quetz.
Stamina: Phantom Orion/Hell Kerbecs
Balance: MF-L Duo Pegasus 230MB

Attack: Goreim Wyvang SA165GCF
Defense: Gargole Saramanda? E230SB
Balance: Goreim Wyvang AD145EDS

MFB in Zero-G
Attack: Cosmic Pegasus (Metal Fury)/Variares on F mode
Defense: Basalt Horogium from SBS/
Stamina: Phantom Orion
Balance: Diablo Nemesis/MF-L Duo Pegasus 230MB

Zero-G in BB-10
Attack: Balro Gryph? DF145/WA130HF/WSF
Defense: Killerken Revizer SA165WB
Stamina: Orojya Killerken AD145/SA165?EDS

EDIT: Changed the Zero-G after we started counting Sets.
Vari would go well in Zero G Balance as well right? You can legally switch the tips in between rounds, so it would be very useful.
I didn't Put HMS or Plastic because I don't know how to do tht
Attack: VariAres DGrin
Defense: Diablo Nemesis XGrin
Stamina: Phantom Orion BGrin
Balance: Basalt Horogium 145WD

Attack: Thief Phoenic E230GCF
Defense: Guardian Reviser 160SB
Stamina: Shinobi Saramanda SW145D or Pirates Orojya 145D Shinobi saramanda Recommended
Balance: Pirates Killerken Ad230JSB

MFB used in Zero-G Stadium:
Attack: Big Bang Pegasis, Cosmic Pegasus Non-Hyperblade, Blitz Unicorno
Defense: Diablo Nemesis XGrin
Stamina: Phantom Orion BGrin
Balance: Duo Uranus 230WD

Zero-G used in BB-10
Attack: Gladiator Bahamdia Sp230GF
Defense: Dark Knight Dragoon LW160BSF
Stamina: Berserker Bigardos SR200BWD
Balance: Shinobi Saramanda SW145D
doesn't count the ultimate synchrom sets has "out of the box"?
You can't have a good Zero G bey out of the box ... They obviously need to be synchromed to have any ability.
Plus, Big Bang, Cosmic, etc.... Those are all... useless metal disks trying to imitate Flash..

I'd say Phantom B: D uncontested top tier OTB.

everything else is too fickle.
Plastics: Attack: Dragoon V2- that AR has some serious OHKO abilities
Compact: Driger V2

HMS: Attack: Dragoon MSUV I guess
Zombie: Wolborg MS
Balance: DEMS

MFB: Stamina: Phantom Orion BGrin

Everything else is trash uncustomized
DO people honestly have that much faith in Cosmic? and in Zero-g cosmic would be useless because w105 would just scrape...
(Mar. 01, 2013  1:04 AM)Time Wrote: DO people honestly have that much faith in Cosmic? and in Zero-g cosmic would be useless because w105 would just scrape...

it works good with Zero-G stadium though
(Mar. 01, 2013  1:04 AM)Time Wrote: DO people honestly have that much faith in Cosmic? and in Zero-g cosmic would be useless because w105 would just scrape...

I mean, RF, R2F, and LRF were not released with very many Beyblades, and most of them have poor Attack Metal Wheels. (Storm, Galaxy, etc.) Except for Red Fang Leone, Metal Fury Cosmic Pegasus is one of the only ones where the best Attack tip matches up with a decent Attack wheel.
Is Cosmic better than Galaxy?
(Mar. 01, 2013  2:15 AM)Time Wrote: Is Cosmic better than Galaxy?

Yes, by a long shot. It may weigh less, but it has more power then Big Bang also.
(Mar. 01, 2013  12:40 AM)Tri Wrote: You can't have a good Zero G bey out of the box ... They obviously need to be synchromed to have any ability.

That's why i thought of the ultimate synchrom sets, they are synchrom when you open them : D
That's a good point, I think that needs a poll to decide if that counts as out of the box
I don't see how Dragoon MSUV holds the top spot for Attack... :\
The AR isn't quite great.
I feel DEMS outranks it by a mile, to be honest.
Yeah man don't accept advice from members. I don't think MSUV is good choice. Advance Striker would be the best choice I think since it has an AR and RC with use in attack.
MF-M Duo 230 MB from the UDXS is uncontested amazing OTB.
(Mar. 01, 2013  5:17 PM)Kujikato Wrote: MF-M Duo 230 MB from the UDXS is uncontested amazing OTB.
This is genius....This is a winner man.
Why thank you Stars.

To address the question, do Zero-G synchrome sets count as out of the box, the answer should be yes. They are still out of the box, they can be customized by parts from the box.

Lemma see, what else...
Screw Capricorne 90 MF
MF-H Meteo L-Drago (Absorb) 125 XF from the Meteo L-Drago Ultimate Reshuffle Set
MF-H Meteo L-Drago (Absorb/Assault) 85/DF105/125 LRF
MF-H Gravity Perseus (Attack) GB145 RF from the Gravity Perseus Ultimate Reshuffle Set (It does have RF right?)

Phantom Orion B: D
Scythe Koronos T125 EDS
Hell Kerbecs BD145 DS
Gravity Perseus AD145 WD (when weaklaunched, spin stealerish)

Death Quetz 125 RDF
MF-H Basalt Horogium 100 RS from the Strongest Blader Set
MF-H Gravity Perseus (Stamina) GB145 RS from the Gravity Perseus Ultimate Reshuffle Set

MF-M Duo 230 MB from the Ultimate DeluXe Set

What I can think of from the top of my head.
Attack Wyvang KillerKen E230(Upper)EDS ZGSD Set
Defense: Reviser Killerken E230SB ZGDS Set
Stamina: Ojoya Reviser A230WB ZGDS Set
You know it'll probably be easiest to get to a consensus on one subject at a time and the newer series will be easier because more people are familiar with them. The current goal: consensus on Zero-G and Zero-G in MFB
Technically is duo 230WD not MB
(Mar. 01, 2013  7:36 PM)Izhkoort Wrote: Technically is duo 230WD not MB
From the UDXS it MB cause it still the box.