Bahamdia Bahamdia W145LRF/R2F/RF

Poll: Is this combo competetive?

Yes, it is.
It's a decent combo.
No, its crappy.
Total: 100% 16 vote(s)
About a week ago a picked up my second bahamdia. When I synchromed the two, I found that the bottom one blocks all the gaps of the upper one, and same for the upper one. One may think that it will lose all of its attack potential because the gaps are its main contact points. But, because of the inevitable tilting of the sliding shoot, the big gaps are exposed and the Bahamdia not making contact will actaully give the contact points more weight than other simialr shaped chrome wheels such as Balro and Ifraid. So, I started developing a combo and here it is.

Part Selection
The Launch
Against Defense
Against Balance
Against Stamina

Resuts may vary from launching. If you have any questions about this combo, pls ask!!!
These results are great! Smile
Just one thing is that you may wanna format the beginning a little better, its kind of jumbled up otherwise great! Smile
Keep up the good work!
Very promising with the first few tests.
Is it possible for you to test against the same Defense Customs, but with a RDF by chance?
My RDF is like 1/3 of the original, so just launching at 60% will trigger aggro mode.Lol
I'll try stamina and anti attack today.
How about something like RSF,RB, or even RS .
New tests!!!

Against Balance
Against Stamina
I can't find a suitable RF bottom to put on diablo so I can't test anti attack.
Impressive results! But i strangely find the VS E230 results unbelievable. .__. I see it was CS, so that could have factored.

If someone else can test this against it, that would be great! - but with RSF or RB.
Wow, this is great! Smile Nice to see some formal test results on this...

However, one thing to notice is that your benchmark with Flash is 75%, without using GB145 or an MF-H, which is absolutely amazing. That said, 15% over flash is pretty good, but no totally amazing. Balro hit 20% above flash, and Wyvang hit 30% when they were both tested.

Also, about actually putting on more weight to aid the contact points on bahamdia, that's not gonna work too well... Bahamdia is the lightest Chrome Wheel released. Confused

So, I wouldn't say that this is any better than Balro/Wyvang... maybe more along the lines of Gryph?

Could you try some tests against RDF? Thanks! Smile BTW, you're awesome... I thought no one would ever test this. XD
Excellent results and lovin the concept too! Although I probably think spin steal might give it atleast some trouble (everything have to have a weakness), can you test this againts left spin defence?
@ the black dragon,i do better with flash than wyvang and balro,which have blunt contact points. I will try benchmarking balro tmr .Also, W145 and a normal face tend to work better for me..
Wow, nice test results! I thought that Bahamadia had no use. This may be a stupid question, but what does benchmark mean?
New benchmark!!!
Balro Balro CH120LRF vs Reviser Reviser BD145CS
RR launched first on all launches. Mint CS

BB:16 wins(16 ko)
RR:4 wins (4 os)
BB win percentage: 80%

Also testing from Bahamdia Discussion!
(Aug. 25, 2013  12:26 PM)cccyyy Wrote: Bahamdia Bahamdia W145LRF(same setup as benchmark) vs Killerken Reviser BD145RSF(worny)
KR launched first on all launches. BB bank shot.

BB:18 wins (12 ko, 6 os)
KR:2 wins (2 ko)
BB win percentage:90%
Seems like a great combo, I wish I had two Bahamdias. I'm guessing this thing looks like a huge monster in the stadium XD!
Could you try using CH120 under Bahamdia^2? or is worst than W145?
He said he used two Bahmadias two not actually hit the disk and KO. I'm guessing he used W145 because it won't make contact with the disk. CH120 most likely would.
Ch120 may add versatality to this custom, as you can use 120 for 145 and 145 for E230.
But, I always like W145 in an attack setup, so that's why I chose that.
(Aug. 29, 2013  9:31 PM)Striker Phantom Wrote: Wow, nice test results! I thought that Bahamadia had no use. This may be a stupid question, but what does benchmark mean?

When you post results from different combo for comparison.
I think these are nice results, I might do some testing tomorrow for ya.

EDIT! Yeah um, those test results... I don't think they're correct. I did testing against the E230 combo, the BD145 combo, and Duo Cygnus W145 WD. It didn't get above 20% with any of them. I'll post them tomorrow.
In 2 hours I'll call you out and then we won't trust you for testing.
Here I am:

Bahamdia^2 W145 R2F (Mint) VS. Revizer^2 BD145 CS
BB Wins: 2/20 (Both KO)
RR Wins 18/20 (2 KO, 16 OS)

VS, Revizer Killerken E230 (Upper) CS
BB Wins: 3/20 (All KO)
RK Wins 17/20 (2 KO, 15 OS)
2 of the KO's were by sheer luck.

VS. Duo Cygnus W145 WD (Mint)
BB Wins: 5/20 (All KO)
DC Wins: 15/20 (All OS)
Maybe 7 wall saves total, absolutely no contact points are uncovered. I tried my best to knock Cygnus out, so I call fraud. And I know it wasn't SA165, but I now have one so if you'd like me to test that, I will. It won't make the results any prettier.
This combo seems to be a fraud... I'm not sure what is wrong with the tests...
(Sep. 01, 2013  4:12 AM)Switchblad3r Wrote: I'll do tests on this combo and post my results, since I want to know the truth lol
I thought bahamdia bahamdia was better used as an LTAC anyways...
I'll edit this post with my results tomorrow.

Dude, not even worth it. Several other members have looked into this combo.
(Sep. 01, 2013  5:45 AM)DrPepsidew Wrote:
(Sep. 01, 2013  4:12 AM)Switchblad3r Wrote: I'll do tests on this combo and post my results, since I want to know the truth lol
I'll edit this post with my results tomorrow.

Dude, not even worth it. Several other members have looked into this combo.
Yeah, it just sounded interesting because of its shape and size, but I didn't think it could stand up to any tier combo really Uncertain
I did 5 informal rounds against MSF-H Revizer Revizer E230CS and it didn't win once aside from a self KO due to an awful launch. I also did a few battles against MSF-L Wyvang Wyvang GB145RF and there was nothing special about bahamdia bahamdia...
I've talked with several other members about Bahamdia^2, and they all said it absolutely stinks . :\

I just didn't want to say anything without stadard test results.
You're welcome @theblackdragon ;D
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