rcehoppe Wrote:>How many kids go to this convention? I'm sure if a lot
> of kids go, they might be interested.
your right and here our numbers in a nutshell - last year we had about 25,000 to about 35,000 show, and we had about 2,000 to 5,000+ players that show up and play our games over the weekend, and let me put to you this way: last year (07') , with the set up that we had , we didn't have one poor turn out for any of the games that we ran and was apart of. We had some issues, like what every con has - BUT for the most part players were really happy on what they saw and played in.
I think you misunderstand, I mean how many people younger than, say, 12, turned up? What age group is the primary target audience of this convention?