King of Darkness Wrote:Used in combos like Samurai Upper/CWD God Ring/BC2, it does great at stopping smash attackers in TBTS. It still has trouble with some upper attack combos in there though, but they're not beating it all the time at least.
Best defensive RC from the HMS gen, besides having much better survival than Grip Sharp.
I wish there was some legal way to have the shaft fixed for attack purposes, but with the lack of customization possible with HMS it can't be done... I mean, you can still try to use it for attack once the rubber tip gets slightly worn out, but it'll never work as good as if the shaft was fixed.
Mine is rather worn out; it has decent attack capabilities; enough to take out low defence opponents, and survival to oppose attackers. I think, it's around the same speed or slightly slower than Grip Flat or so. However, spin rate... isn't satisfactory. Still, I find that the usage of a large grip surface allows it to have very strong recoil, even if the spin rate and attack speed arn't very high, which helps I guess.
Also, I really like the movement patterns of this. You can easily get it to mantain a certain angle for an extended period of time when tilted; I'm sure you should understand what I mean. I think, this is useful for a "wobble attack"; you can force it into that position at the start of the match.
G Wrote:I can't really say how effective it is in a TB/TBTS stadium, but it's one of my favorite RCs. If I remembered correctly there was a more frequent rattling sound in this RC compared to Bearing Core 1 right?
My bearingcore 2 shaft can go up and down about 1 to 2mm or so, I think.