[Australia] Australian Members: Check in!

Try Supanova or Animania, their further away from now so it should give us time to plan.
My sis lives in Sydney, I COULD go down sometime, but Uni might conflict in everything...
thats a good idea to brad and raykon just let me know if u need any help or if u turn out to want to go with the location i suggested. Id be happy to help Smile
I've contacted Supanova.
how did everything go?
Well obviously if I had a response I would have mentioned it ....
Not sure yet, he will tell me on IM or just post it here, Josh-Jf if you need to contact me on IM add [email protected]
(Mar. 24, 2009  11:35 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: Well obviously if I had a response I would have mentioned it ....

lol sorry i get a little to excited
Would you be willing to travel up to Sydney for just one day?
I live in Perth,WA
Just heard from Sega, He MIGHT be able to come if he can afford it and everything.
Also damn, do you think you could come for a holiday?
I might be able to get there but there's a small chance I can't.(studies) major exam
Well it's prolly going to be in like september so we should see how everything goes.
(Mar. 25, 2009  11:04 AM)Raykon Wrote: Well it's prolly going to be in like september so we should see how everything goes.

are u serious its that far away? lol thats good i was freaking out im glad i have time to collect what i need. Especially my driger s lol
Yea, it will be then most likely not defiantly if we can't get in at Supanova.
ima from Sydney! Wo, didnt know this many people here were still into Beyblade.
Never heard anything from Supanova, moving onto Animania.
(Apr. 12, 2009  6:21 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: Never heard anything from Supanova, moving onto Animania.

ok so ive heard of supernova its like a big anime convention and all that right? so is animania the same thing?
(Apr. 12, 2009  7:01 AM)josh-jf Wrote: ok so ive heard of supernova its like a big anime convention and all that right? so is animania the same thing?

Yeah essentially.

(Apr. 12, 2009  7:02 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: Yeah essentially.


lol thats heaps cool. Hopefully these guys get back to us.
Animania is a lot smaller then Supanova, and gives us a lot more chance. Supanova is just to big and crowded.
EDIT: I found 2 auzzie beybladers on Youtube and their joining soon..
(Apr. 12, 2009  7:07 AM)Raykon Wrote: Animania is a lot smaller then Supanova, and gives us a lot more chance. Supanova is just to big and crowded.
EDIT: I found 2 auzzie beybladers on Youtube and their joining soon..

lol yeah i was watching beauty and the geek once and they went to supernova and it was insanly crowded. Well i guess it is heaps popular.
Supanova is more of a commercial event, so they're more likely to ignore small groups like us who just want to run something for fun.