[Austin, Texas, USA] The Cold War 12.30.11




One Beyblade is prepared and used in each First Stage match.

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Hey, guys! I'm back with another Austin tournament. This time, I hope there will be more attendees than the last tourney. So here is a quick description of the tournament...

Name: The Cold War (no pun intendid)

Date: December 30th, 2011- I chose this day because this is when people are coming home from winter vacation and are getting ready for the New Year. Be sure to be there by 3pm, because we'll be starting 10-15 minutes afterward.

Venue/Place: Zilker Park (in downtown Austin)
• There are multiple playscapes and a train for younger children who are not participating in the tournament.
• In case it rains, there is pavilion that we can still battle under.
• If you're hungry, there are food shacks! Yay, FOOD!
• There is no admission required to get into the park.
• WE WILL BE MEETING AT THE PAVILION ACROSS FROM THE TRAIN STATION, LIKE LAST TIME! Here's a map if you need one: http://maps.google.com/maps/place?rls=co...0648831302.

Expected Turnout: I estimate that around 15 people will come. I REALLY hope that more people will come than last time. The pavilion can cover at least 25 people -- add a few, take a few -- so we're good if it rains. Remember that the more people we have, the more stadiums we need to make it run fast and smooth!

Confirmed Attendees: (* means that person is going to make an account)
1. JAM20100511 (bringing a TT Attack Stadium)
2. Beyblader51
3. ldragorush48
4. MatteoBlade
5. clix98
6. tylertk
7. coreybeymaster
8. beymaster78
9. ebdrummer
10. Justustify
11. beymasternwb
12. reggie yi
13. fluffnugget (probably)

"Maybe" Attendees:
1. broughboys
2. Justustify's friend*
3. Justustify's friend*
4. Justustify's brother*

Format: If we get a minimal amount (x < 12 people) of people, it will be best to do a Round Robin style Format. That went pretty well last time. If we get 12+ people, we'll swtich to a Round Robin Block style format. I've seen both formats in play, so I know what to do.
• EDIT: We are now officially switching to the Round RObin Block Format because we have the minimal amount of 12 people for that format!

Stadiums: I, myself, have a Takara Tomy Attack stadium and a Hasbro stadium. You can bring all the stadiums you like, but we can only use the legal Takara Tomy stadiums! If you have a TT stadium and wonder if it passes, contact Kai-V, give her a brief description of your stadium, and let her decide. If you want to support us and get one yourself, here's a link to a good stadium (the one I have): http://www.ebay.com/itm/Beyblade-Attack-...1e68b45a51

Prizes: I just finished working on a Boy Scout requirement (I'm not kidding) and I saved half of the $50 I intended to earn. So I will buy the prizes with $25 (and maybe a bit more) to spend. I hope I can buy some Takara Tomy Blades, but we'll see on the costs and stuff like that. I'm planning to get 3 Blades (one for each place). First place gets first pick, and so on. But if we get more people, I will increase the prizes! If you have prizes (preferably new), please contact me. I'm gonna leave the prizes a mystery, though...

EDIT: I have bought all 3 prizes. We don't really need any more. Grin

Fee: There is no fee to get into the park, but there is a fee for the WBO. The fee is $5, unless you have a Blader's Passport (free admission). If you say you have one, I will personally check for it, so don't lie!

PROMO CARDS: A lot of you guys said that you need some more info on these. Well, Promo Cards are WBO official card that you can pass on to other bladers that don't know about the WBO! Check out this thread if you want a full description: http://worldbeyblade.org/Thread-WBO-Prom...ution-done.[/i] If you want some, tell me you guys' address, city,a and state in which you live. Then, I'll tell the Area Representative to send me few more so I can send some to you guys!

Other Info: First, tell your Bladin' friends about this epic tourney. If they don't have an account, show them how to make one, or have them make one at the tourney. Bring jacket, please! It will be cold (it is a cold war). If you bring a stadium, it may be good if you bring a large blanket to cushion beys that get knocked out of the arena. I am just a dude wanting to bring some Beyblade epicness to Austin during the winter break. Last time, we had an uber time, but couldn't share it with others because we only had 8 people. Let's make it REALLY GOOD! As in like, good enough to be better then good. Never mind.

Need-to-Know Information

1. During Registration, Open Your Account Page

Open your account page on your mobile device (if possible) during registration to help us keep things quick.

2. Arrive On Time

You must arrive by the tournament start time to enter. We cannot add new players to an event once it begins. If you're running late, contact the host.

3. Stay Aware of Your Belongings

We do everything possible to ensure a safe environment, but can't be held responsible for lost or stolen goods. Keep your gear close by!

4. The Tournament Will Last At Least a Few Hours

This event is likely to last at least a few hours. If you can't commit to the entire tournament, you're welcome to come watch and play for fun instead!

5. Listen For Your Username To Be Called

Your name will be called when it's time for your next battle. If you need to leave early or take a break, tell a judge. Missing a match could mean disqualification!

6. Players Must Meet Regional Product Age Restrictions

All players in this event must meet the age restrictions on Beyblade products in their region. TAKARA-TOMY recommends Beyblade for ages 6+. Hasbro recommends Beyblade for ages 8+. Players under these ages may only participate with the permission of their parent/guardian.

7. Players Under 18 Must Be Accompanied by a Parent/Guardian

If you are under 18 years old, a parent/guardian must accompany you and be present for the duration of the event.

8. Contests, Raffles, Gambling, Betting, and Selling Are Prohibited

Advertising the sale of any product or service, as well as posting about any contest, raffle, gambling, or betting on this event page and conducting them at the event without approval by Fighting Spirits Inc. staff is prohibited. Please contact the Organized Play team if you require approval.

9. Terms of Service

All event attendees and users of this website are subject to our Terms of Service.

Poll: Do you guys want some Promo Cards to recruit Austin Bladers?

Need more info on them first...
Total: 100% 15 vote(s)
Possible of attending
If you guys want some Promo Cards, give me your address, city, and state, and I'll ask the Area Representative to send me a few extra for you guys.
(Dec. 23, 2011  7:49 PM)Justustify Wrote: Hey, I will bring my TT Takara Tomy Stadium http://www.ebay.com/itm/Stadium-Metal-Fi...1c167726ef

If the stadium you posted a link to is the one you claim is an Attack Stadium, you're wong, it is not a Takara-Tomy Attack Stadium.
Roxas4 is right. It's definitely illegal.
Yea the tourney iz official everyone get ready for The Cold War itz gonna be tough
It is illegal. Kai-V told me! BTW, it says it was made by the ALADDIN CORP., NOT SONOKONG!!!
I bought in from JP but you may be right but it said on the box which I have TT Attack Stadium and it says TAKARA Tomy on the box
Really, it may say that, but the logos themselves may not match. Just trust me. Grin
are wide square stadiums legal are ilegal because i have one thats sonokong.
(Dec. 24, 2011  11:53 PM)phantom orion 2 Wrote: are wide square stadiums legal are ilegal because i have one thats sonokong.
Read the Rules...
So, hey I know how to get more people. Post in the Dallas/Fort Worth Thread
Hey Justustify is my brother put me on the possible I might not go, My freind gave me his account but I am new and my warning rate is 90% because when I started I was at 90% from my freinds bad conduct. So I better watch out to what I do.
(Dec. 26, 2011  12:12 AM)TheFalling Wrote: Hey Justustify is my brother put me on the possible I might not go, My freind gave me his account but I am new and my warning rate is 90% because when I started I was at 90% from my freinds bad conduct. So I better watch out to what I do.

Make a new account bro.
Justustify... DON'T POST IN THAT THREAD! I'VE ALREADY TRIED, AND THEY'LL ONLY SAY THAT YOU HAVE TO COME TO THEM FOR A TOURNEY. They think it's too far away, which is kind of true, so just be happy with who we have.
Ok, but my brother and I share an email and I use it for WBO. Our parents won't let us use their's so yeah that's just how it is.
(Dec. 26, 2011  12:12 AM)TheFalling Wrote: Hey Justustify is my brother put me on the possible I might not go, My freind gave me his account but I am new and my warning rate is 90% because when I started I was at 90% from my freinds bad conduct. So I better watch out to what I do.

Do not use other people's accounts. Make a new email and new account of your own.
Ok, I told him he said He can try to make a new account
(Dec. 26, 2011  8:04 AM)JAM20100511 Wrote: Justustify... DON'T POST IN THAT THREAD! I'VE ALREADY TRIED, AND THEY'LL ONLY SAY THAT YOU HAVE TO COME TO THEM FOR A TOURNEY. They think it's too far away, which is kind of true, so just be happy with who we have.

Hey hey! Its freakin' 3 hours bro!

Learn to love a little man...
Hey JAM20100511, add 2 of my freinds to the possible list please.
UPDATE: We are now switching to the Round Robin Block format for the tournament because we have 12 confirmed people (minimum for that format)! Thank you.
Since if I do go to this tournament, this will be my first tournament, where in the park is it, and can you use TT light launchers or only hasbro launchers