[Atlanta,Georgia] Beybladers Unite!

sucks that this may not happen, i was looking forward to it
Thank you for making sure to let us know ahead of time if the event needs to be rescheduled, that's very much appreciated!! Considering this won't be a qualifier, it might be better anyway if it was postponed for a little while so that everything can be worked out without the pressure of needing to get everything done in order to have it on the qualifier weekend.
It is CONFIRMED! Be sure to comment on it to get the popularity up (It hasn't shown up on the left 'New Posts' bar)!
But only comment if you actually have something to say, don't spam it just for the sake of it showing up on the new posts thing.
guys, i may(having car problems) have a problem getting to the tournement. i live in lagrange georgia, if any of you are close would it maybe be possible to get a ride with one of you?

That would be an issue for me. Do you have any friends that will be coming? If so, hitch a ride with them. How far away is Lagrange? (Never heard of it)
its about a hour south of atlanta. i dont know anyone going. hopefully my car will be fixed by then
I hope it also! What is the issue with your car?
just needs some new tires, got some ordered but they have not come yet.
Is there a repair shop? You can buy tires and get everything with your car fixed.
You can always get a rental car to use until the tires come.

Anyways, hope your car gets better, and I hope you come! I am really excited to battle you!
yea they should be here soon. and rental we probably be my best option. and im excited to battle you also!
Is there tracking on the shipping of the tires? I want to know if you are a 100% on it.
no, its actually my moms car and she is getting the tires from a friend so we are waiting on him to get them.
Oh, I understand. Did they say when they will get the tires to you?
i was hoping by today but we will probably rent a car. I dont want to miss the tournament.
Ooh. Sorry if you have to pay to much to come here, unless of course, you were planning to rent a rental car anyways.
no it wont be to much. Ill post early Friday when I know for sure.
Ok, i am planning on sending a PM out to all contestants on Friday morning with all information included.
The event is cancelled. Kai-V would probably not like me to host an event with 5 people, and it will be raining. I will try to reschedule for late April, or early May, so everyone can get there source of transportstion worked out.
Amen, I'll keep an eye out for a rescheduled date and will make sure my car is in working order well ahead of time, haha!
Hey guys! I know it's a pretty long drive, but I'm really hoping to host a tournament on April 18th-21st (whichever date is more convenient for others) in Jacksonville, FL (northeastern FL). If any of you guys MIGHT be able to make it and/or you know someone who can, please PM me. I have 6 or 7 players max right now & I'm really shooting for more than 8. I have a few family members who are coming down for the weekend, so if there was ever a time to host something in my area, it would be now.
I wish that I could come, but the max my dad will drive me is 2 hours to the destination, and 2 hours back.