So, just beat the game (No joke) and here are my few thoughts. Spoiler alert.
Okay, let me start with the bad parts. From the start (Actually, especially at the start) the game has a really bad habit of having the music being really, really loud. It's so loud that, many times, you can't hear the dialogue between characters and that's pretty bad because the voice acting is very good! Next, continuity is a bit all over the place and there are still a few things I don't get. For example, most of the Seven Deities as well as Asura seem to be made of some sort of robot-like matter... I must've missed a crucial line of dialogue, because that really seems weird. Are they robots?! Are they... androids? Borgs?! I dunno. Another example is that there's a pretty funny scene that takes place in a sauna with two beautiful women and Asura and Augus just relax, though they know they will eventually fight. After some time, they pretty much decide to go and the episode ends. Next episode, we're on the freaking moon! O_O Woah, dudes, when did you decide to go on the moon? That seems kinda far-fetched...
Another very slight problem is that Asura never really changes, but you could argue that he doesn't really need to change. True, he often lets his rage get the better of him, but he only uses it to fight for a just cause (Or, at least, what he believes to be just) and, in the few scenes we see him with his family, we can see that he truly loves his wife and daughter, so he's already a pretty well-rounded character.
So, as for the game, it's a lil' complicated. First, Asura is killed by Deus, ends up in Naraka, comes out of there, kills Wyzen, gets killed by Yasha, ends up in Naraka again, comes out of there, kills Kalrow, kills Augus and then, something interesting happens: After witnessing the destructiob of an innocent village (Destroyed by explosives aimed at him) he transforms into some sort of six-armed skeleton-like shining golden being that, of course, kicks butts. The only thing that can take down this super-powered Asura is both the Bramasthra, a giant-super-canon-in-space, and Yasha, whose had a change of heart after seeing that the human souls, which he thought were sacrificed for the cause of saving the world, were essentially being wasted on anything for no good reason, which he could not accept. After destroying most of Deus' armies, we kill Sergei and then both Asura and Yasha team up to go take down Deus, which they do. Deus is cool to fight, he essentially has the same powers as Kessler from the InFamous games (i.e Thunder bolts, lightning-fast teleportation etc.) but he goes down pretty easily but then, the true nemesis is revealed and it is THE F**KING PLANET ITSELF!!! I'm not joking, Deus explains that Gaea literary doesn't want any human souls on it and naturally creates the Gohma to get rid of them. As if that wasn't enough, Gohma Vlitra is revived and more powerful than ever, taking the form of seven giant black snakes coming out of the Earth. So what do Asura and Yasha do? THEY GO TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH TO KILL WHATEVER IS INSIDE!!! That's just freakin' crazy! XXXXDDDD The last boss is really cool, too, essentially a magma-like version of that creature Asura became when witnessing the destruction of that innocent village. After you kill Vlitra's Core (Exactly what it's called, too) everything seems cool and the credit roll.
Except afterwards where we get a scene with that strange gold spider saying 'There's a lot of work to be done here, in Naraka... Hehe...' and we get the prospect of a hidden episode (Which I still haven't unlocked)
Well... that was one crazy ride XD