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Have you tried taking it apart and having a look? Launchers are really simple to fix, assuming you have spare parts Tongue_out If the peg is broken you can use one from another launcher that you have spare, if you're not using it- if it's the spring I think you can use one from another launcher too, although forgive me if I'm wrong; I've not opened up a left spin launcher in a while.
The problem is that its my only left spin shooter. I have a bunch of right spin shooters though. I don't mind if I break the rules a little bit as long as I can play with my buddies
You need to get a new shooter.
Unhappy Now I have to buy a whole brand new left spinned beyblade
Ray Wrote:Unhappy Now I have to buy a whole brand new left spinned beyblade

Don't think of it as a bad thing. A lot of bey in the Dragoon series have useful parts. Look for S G or V2.
Open up the left spin shooter, what is the problem? Is the spring gone/broken? The spring and the peg are both backwards compatible between right and left spin launchers, you just need to put them in place of the old parts upside-down- it doesn't make a difference to it ^^
Seldia Wrote:Open up the left spin shooter, what is the problem? Is the spring gone/broken? The spring and the peg are both backwards compatible between right and left spin launchers, you just need to put them in place of the old parts upside-down- it doesn't make a difference to it ^^

This is illegal anyway, and not nearly worth the effort.
Yes, but he wants to play with his buddies, which Im sure wouldn't mind if he saved himself a couple bucks by swapping a broken part with the exact same one just in reverse. I used to do it all the time and it's really no effort at all. Naturally if he was going to enter a tournament or something I wouldn't reccomend it but for some games with his friends I'm sure it would do?
Seldia Wrote:Yes, but he wants to play with his buddies, which Im sure wouldn't mind if he saved himself a couple bucks by swapping a broken part with the exact same one just in reverse. I used to do it all the time and it's really no effort at all. Naturally if he was going to enter a tournament or something I wouldn't reccomend it but for some games with his friends I'm sure it would do?

It's just a couple of bucks. Hell, I'm sure someone here has a left-spin shooter to spare.
True, but at the risk of being picky it's probably less effort to take it apart than to arrange one being sent to him from a friend/forum member Pinching_eyes_2
Seldia Wrote:True, but at the risk of being picky it's probably less effort to take it apart than to arrange one being sent to him from a friend/forum member >.<

yeah, posting a thread is way harder than repairing a small mechanical device
The "mechanics" inside a launcher are riddiculously easy to understand. There's 3 parts: A spring, A peg and a cog- The spring pushes the peg onto the cog, that's it. It's like playing with lego, or duplo- Seriously easy Grin If you've got a launcher you don't plan on using one day I reccomend you try it ^^
Seldia Wrote:The "mechanics" inside a launcher are riddiculously easy to understand. There's 3 parts: A spring, A peg and a cog- The spring pushes the peg onto the cog, that's it. It's like playing with lego, or duplo- Seriously easy Grin If you've got a launcher you don't plan on using one day I reccomend you try it ^^

I don't see the point in doing this. :\
Curiosity I s'pose- that's what makes me take everything apart Tongue_out I love to see how these things work, the mechanics fascinate me. So effective yet so simple. Naturally it's your choice whether you do it or not but it can be really interesting, and useful if you need to fix something. Although you're lucky enough to have a stockpile of parts and therefore don't need to do it in the first place, unfortunately some of us aren't that lucky but it's still interesting to take a look. Off to bed now, g'night Tongue_out
Seldia Wrote:The "mechanics" inside a launcher are riddiculously easy to understand. There's 3 parts: A spring, A peg and a cog- The spring pushes the peg onto the cog, that's it. It's like playing with lego, or duplo- Seriously easy Grin If you've got a launcher you don't plan on using one day I reccomend you try it ^^

You don't have to take it apart; some shooters conveniently come in clear plastic.
What is the proper name of Sea Dragon's free spinning CWD piece?
Can you buy individual bit chips for HMS blades?
if u mean buy the bit chips Single then u can't, they only come with HMS Blades
Which spin direction do most staple HMS attack combos use? (and most combos, for that matter)
G Wrote:CWD Free Defencer I believe.

Its CWD Defense Ring.
bugturtles Wrote:Which spin direction do most staple HMS attack combos use? (and most combos, for that matter)

right spin
Cye Kinomiya Wrote:
G Wrote:CWD Free Defencer I believe.

Its CWD Defense Ring.

Wrong one.
bugturtles Wrote:Which spin direction do most staple HMS attack combos use? (and most combos, for that matter)

Technically, it is circumstantial, especially with HMS. In the plastic generation I felt like most people used right spin. But, then again I never played anyone worthwhile (except Ryuki and Jairo)
An example why it is circumstantial:
Wolborg MS is a staple. The two main ways people use to beat Wolborg MS are upper attack types and Rubber Weight Core combos. The upper attack types can only work if it is spinning in the same direction as Wolborg MS, but if Wolborg MS is spinning in left spin, the two most popular upper attack type ARs (Circle Upper and Samurai Upper) will not work. Lots of matches in Tornado Balance can be one by selecting a circumstantially superior spin direction.