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What parts do Driger F and Hayate 2 have? It's not on the 'Beyblade Parts List'.
Driger F is on there.

Driger F (Fang)
AR: Cross Fang
WD: 8-Balance
SG: Right SG (Full Auto Clutch Version)
BB: Full Auto Clutch Base

Hayate 2 has the same parts as Hayate and Zinrai. Its BB has a circular WD that only works for it, but none of those parts including the AR are useful.
Are beyblade prices increasing? Is it better to buy the old ones now or later on this year?

I've seen a few beyblade lots go as high for £70 on ebay recently.
Hey, What is the longest time a Beyblade stayed spinning for?
Some people just go like Toywiz and jack their prices up hoping some spoiled kid begs their parents to get it for them despite the costs. But some of the wanted Beys like the GT stuff or the G2 sell for like $10+. The highest I've ever seen one of those Beys sell for was like $25 for a Dragoon GT. Well you could probably wait until the newer tops come out and see if the prices drop. If they do, it might be harder to find some stuff you were looking for.

Solo spin time doesn't really matter so most of us never kept track of the longest spin time. The longest I've heard was probably about like 5/6mins+?
Beyblade prices are a little higher because they're not in production any more and people are basically fighting for the leftover unsold units.
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How tough are the HMS blades? I've heard mixed reviews from taking on 5 blades at once and then breaking the fight afterwards to never breaking at all, or even the tip breaking and not being able to spin any more.
They break less often than plastics, but they can still break ... don't forget that there is still a lot of plastic in them.
1. Find a picture that's 120x120 or less.
2. Make a photobucket account
3. Click "User CP" on top
4. Look for Change Avatar on the left.

HMS are a hell lot tougher than plastics due to more metal around them. They break less than plastics do, but that doesn't mean they won't break since that happens in this game.
where does it say user cp i cant find it
So they're tougher meaning they're harder to break but because it's tougher the metal is liable to shatter?
Look under the forum banner near the middle.
For hit "ctrl" and then "f" and type in "User CP"
G Wrote:Solo spin time doesn't really matter so most of us never kept track of the longest spin time. The longest I've heard was probably about like 5/6mins+?

In other words what really counts is the longest battle, Right?
Out of these HMS beyblades, which is the top 3 best to buy in terms of both using uncustomised and for parts?

Advance Averager
Sea Drake
Hopper Attack
Advance Guardian
Thunder Serpent
Dark Effigy

Bearing in mind i already own these parts:
Sea Dragon- CWD (Sea Drake and Sea Dragon are the same right?)
Sea Drake from Hasbro does not have the 17g metal piece, I believe. Sea Dragon from RBA2 (IIRC. correct if i am mistaken) has that piece.
saiyanangel5 Wrote:Out of these HMS beyblades, which is the top 3 best to buy in terms of both using uncustomised and for parts?

Advance Averager
Sea Drake
Hopper Attack
Advance Guardian
Thunder Serpent
Dark Effigy

Bearing in mind i already own these parts:
Sea Dragon- CWD (Sea Drake and Sea Dragon are the same right?)
- Advance Averager, it's AR is useful for spin stealing and it's RC is also useful.
- Thunder Serpent, CWD Free Survivor is awesome for defense combos
- Dark Effigy, it never hurts to have more DEMS imo
bugturtles Wrote:Sea Drake from Hasbro does not have the 17g metal piece, I believe. Sea Dragon from RBA2 (IIRC. correct if i am mistaken) has that piece.
That's correct.

Dark Effigy is really the one that stands out the most. It's great uncustomized and has 2 very useful parts in both Circle Upper and Metal Change Core. Samurai Upper from SCMS overshadows Circle Upper for use in most upper attack combos, but it's still a useful part to have.

Advance Averazer is nice uncustomized and the AR is good for endurance combos, although it isn't used much. As for the RC, you're usually better off with Metal Change Core for most combos.

Hopper Attack is only good for the AR, which is great for compacts and has slightly more offense than Metal Ape from MAMS, although the later is considered better overall.

Sea Dragon is good for having CWD Defense Ring (also has Free Defenser, but that one isn't as usefull) and not much else. I like the ARs smash attack potencial though, although recoil is high.

Advance Guardian isn't very useful uncustomized and it's only worth for the defensive RC, but Bearing Core 2 from Jiraiya MS is better overall for that purpose.

Thunder Serpent is a piece of carp uncustomized, but has a great CWD for endurance/spin stealing combos. I think there were 2 different CWD that it came with, but I dunno about the Hasbro version.
^The Hasbro one came with the Free Survivor.

Roy Wrote:
G Wrote:Solo spin time doesn't really matter so most of us never kept track of the longest spin time. The longest I've heard was probably about like 5/6mins+?

In other words what really counts is the longest battle, Right?

Well the thing that really matters is how efficient parts work together to perform whatever task they're meant to do.
Which beyblade is DEMS? I've not heard of it before
Seldia Wrote:Which beyblade is DEMS? I've not heard of it before

Death Gargoyle MS
Ah, thanks. Is there a beyblade pictures thread? It'd be cool if users could submit beyblade names with their own pictures or ones they find on the web, might be a dumb idea but I think it may be useful Tongue_out
Kei Wrote:
saiyanangel5 Wrote:Out of these HMS beyblades, which is the top 3 best to buy in terms of both using uncustomised and for parts?

Advance Averager
Sea Drake
Hopper Attack
Advance Guardian
Thunder Serpent
Dark Effigy

Bearing in mind i already own these parts:
Sea Dragon- CWD (Sea Drake and Sea Dragon are the same right?)
- Advance Averager, it's AR is useful for spin stealing and it's RC is also useful.
- Thunder Serpent, CWD Free Survivor is awesome for defense combos
- Dark Effigy, it never hurts to have more DEMS imo

I'm thinking, why not get two Dark Effigy instead of the averager? You should keep at least one DEMS RC in good condition, and considering that he doesn't have bearing type, he doesn't really need the averager AR.