Ask a question, get an answer! #2

Yah, T145 doesn't exist, TR145 does.
i thought that T145 did exist. isnt it that track that looks sort of like an inbetween of a W105, and D125, the track that comes with Scythe Kronos.
(Jul. 29, 2013  5:53 AM)Dropkick Wrote: i thought that T145 did exist. isnt it that track that looks sort of like an inbetween of a W105, and D125, the track that comes with Scythe Kronos.

It's called T125!Smile (tornado 125)
no tornado 125 is what he is talking about
For more info on T125, you can check out Beywiki's summary of the part here:
How do I make a thread ?
Go to the correct forum, click on it, then there should be a button in the mid upper right hand corner that says "new thread" and click on that. For future reference, this belongs in Questions about the WBO thread.
Pretty easy to find, but when you go into the forum, at the top there is a button to start a new topic.

Edit: For more questions like this, the questions about the WBO topic is where you should post.
Double Edit - Beaten.
Is there a mold of RF with no bar through it? The rubber is thick, no cuts outs or anything, just pure round on the inside.
(Jul. 29, 2013  7:14 AM)BloodLacerta Wrote: Is there a mold of RF with no bar through it? The rubber is thick, no cuts outs or anything, just pure round on the inside.

The Hybrid Wheel BB-10 set has a Storm Pegasis without a bar, but the rubber wore down instantly.
The Super Deck Set has Pegasus 85RF, which has no bar. I have no issues with super-fast wear though.
Why are you all referring to Sets and everything ? The Beywiki article on Storm Pegasis 105RF has the complete answer :
Hod do you put a signature on
Go to the user cp then click change signature. This belongs in the Questions about the WBO thread though.
(Jul. 29, 2013  9:16 PM)fury sagittero Wrote: Hod do you put a signature on

You have to upload the picture that you wanted as your signature (if you saved it) to imageshack or something and then get the direct link of the image and paste it on to the empty slot in the "Change Signature" section in the "User CP". And then, simply click update signature, and it should be there.

Oh, and next time post in the "Questions about the WBO" topic, thanks Smile

Edit: Beaten by Ultramarine Smile
Ok thanks for the help
What is better/more useful, RSF or RDF.
So what type, attack, defense, stamina, or balance would T125 benefit most?
(Jul. 30, 2013  1:21 AM)AZL Wrote: What is better/more useful, RSF or RDF.

I think RDF
Most likely attack, but there's better options.
(Jul. 30, 2013  1:21 AM)AZL Wrote: What is better/more useful, RSF or RDF.

It depends on the custom.

Dropkick Wrote:So what type, attack, defense, stamina, or balance would T125 benefit most?

Balance and Attack types are typically where T125 is used to it's full potential.
Kai hiwatari, check out my sig and tell me which tip would be better based on my sig also I might get a BD145.
How well would thermal icetitan T125MF work? i heard from others that it might not be very efficient.