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i painted my rock socrpio with finger nail colour would it make the bey unbalanced?
Depends on different variables, like how thin the layer of paint was, what parts you painted was it an even layer all around?
does hasbro still make stringlaunchers
The only time they did was during Metal Fusion, so no. They don't make them now.
What are some good customizations with saramanda? (I don't have e230)
(Aug. 28, 2012  9:59 PM)Bazooka Wrote: What are some good customizations with saramanda? (I don't have e230)

MSF/MSF-H Saramanda Saramanda BGrin
MSF/MSF-H Revizer Saramanda BD145CS/RSF/RB/RDF/RS
I don't really trust bd145, and my b:d is broken. how is th170?
(Aug. 28, 2012  10:17 PM)Bazooka Wrote: I don't really trust bd145, and my b:d is broken. how is th170?

For the Defence combo,it's a good subsitute but LTAC are not that commom in today's metagame
Which tip is most similar to WD in terms of movement and Stamina, WB,D or ES?
Are there any sick variations that I can apply to my Phantom Orion?
(Aug. 29, 2012  6:13 AM)P-OrionChaos Wrote: Are there any sick variations that I can apply to my Phantom Orion?

Phantom Orion is Takara Tomy/Sono Kong, correct?
If so, add 85/AD145/BD145/TH170/230 D/EDS/EWD/SD/SWD/WD.

Yes, I did copy it from the competitive combos thread. As for the Clear Wheel go for something rounded such as Bull, Aquario, Cygnus & Cancer.

Edit: This does belong in Build Be A Combo, right?
Yeah, all combo questions go there.

(Aug. 28, 2012  4:26 PM)Ingulit Wrote: Another way to tell how worn a RF variant is is by looking at the small indention in the center of the bottom of the tip. If you can still see the indention and the tip isn't behaving differently, it's good. If you can't see the indention, it's too worn and you should probably get another.

Keep in mind some have a much smaller indentation, whereas others are hrf for most of their life.

(Aug. 29, 2012  6:10 AM)Ajitumari Wrote: Which tip is most similar to WD in terms of movement and Stamina, WB,D or ES?

Well given one of them is in the same series of tips and listed in the same category in the competitive combos list, while the others aren't, what do you think?

I thought that since D is a bit smaller, it may have more mobility.
ES does have a bit more mobility, at least in mine.
Smaller meaning more mobility? What? Do you have any clue how traction works at all?
Either way, do you honestly think that even that would make it more different than two entirely differently shaped tips?

Seriously, if it's the same series, and therefore the same sort of tip, it's almost always going to perform closer than one of another series...
I have experienced something like that less height means more speed

My gravity destroyer ch120 r2f
is more fast in 120 height
At 145 it is slightly slower

I think this should be due to more stability at short height
Is there anyone who will make me a signature for free with something to do with dashan wang (my avatar)
Look in the My Creations Forum
How can I contact 88powerpig88 to buy a bey? If you know his phone # I need it so I can overnight ship a bey for a tourney.
(Aug. 29, 2012  3:08 PM)Bazooka Wrote: How can I contact 88powerpig88 to buy a bey? If you know his phone # I need it so I can overnight ship a bey for a tourney.

I think you need to contact him on eBay necessarily ...
Just message him through ebay, if he's a top rated seller, not quite sure about that bit, he should reply quite quickly.
I tried to, I sent him an email, so I hope he responds before the tourney
What are the requirements for Top Tier Attack beys?
(Aug. 29, 2012  4:52 PM)Ajitumari Wrote: What are the requirements for Top Tier Attack beys?

Defeat top-tier Defense, of course.
(Aug. 29, 2012  4:52 PM)Ajitumari Wrote: What are the requirements for Top Tier Attack beys?
You need a good metal wheel with contact points....the tip is also aggressive tip would be required by a top tier attack bey...mainly launch is important, even though you have good parts for a top tier attack type but have a weak launch there's no use...if you want to use a top tier attack type you need strong launch power.
What 4D bey shoULD I get?And what plastic should I get?