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I never did get Black Dranzer. Unhappy
i broke mine..i had like 3 and broke all of them,,,,oh well..i can get more easily..but i dont think it was really all that great
4 the plastic series

which AR has the best smash attack?
I beleive it is triple wing from the trygle series
bluezee14 Wrote:I beleive it is triple wing from the trygle series

I would be inclined to agree with this.

Funny thing, when I was new to Beyblade and posting on Street Beyblade, Beholder showed up there and thought I was brilliant just because I said Trygle's AR was really strong in a thread. Only then did the use of Triple Wing catch on. Grin
Omg Street Beyblade, that was the first beyblade site I joined hahahaha
i dont really see to much of a difference in saying "Trygle's AR" vs. "Triple Wing"...but now that i think about it, that may get confusing considering that there are now 2 trygles
Me too! My first post was about this combo:

AR: Reverse Wolf
WD: 8-Balance
SG: Right
BB: Flame Change Base

Wow, I cannot believe I got second place in a tournament with that. If I'd just used Flame Wing + Bearing SG, I would've won for sure.

bluezee14 Wrote:i dont really see to much of a difference in saying "Trygle's AR" vs. "Triple Wing"...but now that i think about it, that may get confusing considering that there are now 2 trygles

You can say either, both are correct. Lips_sealed
That combo actually sounds good...i would try it but i forgot i dont have those parts anymore since they go stolen...DAMM KIDS!!! LOL
The one I posted? It's terrible.
Still though..i wish i had the chance or the option to even customize that about to get desperate and buy a carp load off of ebay when they sell over 100 of the old ones in a stock...that can at least start me off
Do it on YJ man, there's loads of lots like that up all the time.
i think i mite take that into consideration...its always cheaper too,,,looks like im about to have a bunch of boxes shipped to my house....UPS is gonna be quite pissed if this turns out right lol...thanks for the advice...i also needed a BeyUltimate Stadium with the spinnig center but i cant find those anymore
Has a US/Europe release been set or rumoured for the new blades? or season atleast?

And, where will be the best, most efficent way to buy the new Beyblades that are released in Japan?
knux Wrote:Has a US/Europe release been set or rumoured for the new blades? or season atleast?

And, where will be the best, most efficent way to buy the new Beyblades that are released in Japan?

The only news we have on a US/UK release is that Takara wants the series to expand outside of Japan. How they are going to do this or in association with which companies we don't know yet.

As for the best way to buy the new Beyblades, I'm going to be buying through, which I think is probably one of the best sites I've ever ordered anything from. I'm not sure if they ship to the UK (They're located in Hawaii), but even if they don't the site director there is pretty friendly and I'm sure they might be able to work something out.

If I remember correctly, was a pretty good site for UK bladers. I don't have any experience with the site myself so I can't offer much insight there, but I thought it would be worth a mention anyway.

Hope that helps. Smile
Pretty sure Ideal ships worldwide, if not I'd be willing to proxy.

Also there will be a partnership between Ideal + Beywiki so yeah I'm going to recommend them. Some of the best people I have ever worked with.
Are there anymore beyblade tournaments in the eastern part of the US?
Bey Brad Wrote:Pretty sure Ideal ships worldwide, if not I'd be willing to proxy.

Also there will be a partnership between Ideal + Beywiki so yeah I'm going to recommend them. Some of the best people I have ever worked with.

Just to confirm for Knux; Ideal808 ships to the UK! I've ordered from them in the past.
Which is the best launcher to use, for both plastic and hms, whilst testing out beyblades by myself? Is the duotron launcher good?

I'll probably end up using my spring launcher for plastics because it's the best one i've got.
saiyanangel5 Wrote:Which is the best launcher to use, for both plastic and hms, whilst testing out beyblades by myself? Is the duotron launcher good?

I'll probably end up using my spring launcher for plastics because it's the best one i've got.

Use the normal launchers with a grip attached. The spring/duotron launchers are garbage.
Draciel MS_Holder Wrote:how good is Advance Averazer?

Uncustomized its pretty decent, but its parts aren't really worth much outside of the AR for grinding combos.
Roan Wrote:
Draciel MS_Holder Wrote:how good is Advance Averazer?

Uncustomized its pretty decent, but its parts aren't really worth much outside of the AR for grinding combos.

It can be used for spin stealing as well.
G Wrote:
Roan Wrote:
Draciel MS_Holder Wrote:how good is Advance Averazer?

Uncustomized its pretty decent, but its parts aren't really worth much outside of the AR for grinding combos.

It can be used for spin stealing as well.

It's RC (Metal Semi-Flat Core) can be used as a substitute for DEMS Metal Change Core if you are not fortunate enough to own one.