[Answered]  What is better for a stamina/defense combo 00 wall or vanguard?

The main question I have is the title of the forum so pls answer
(Dec. 08, 2020  3:54 AM)DROLPRID Wrote: The main question I have is the title of the forum so pls answer

tbh i have both, so i think 00 wall is better
Also if u want to see the combo it’s here https://imgur.com/gallery/GiCCSUu

I’m bringing this to a tourney so I appreciate all support
Maybe it’s just me, but I’m pretty sure that’s Mobius, not Bearing

EDIT: Misread stuff, sorry, ignore that
Yes it’s mobius idk I don’t like bearing but thinking of buying it
I would say Vanguard but it all comes down to personal preference.
00 Wall scrapes alot but so does Vanguard..
But for a stamina/defense combo I would say go with vanguard
Ok I’ll try it thanks again
(Dec. 08, 2020  6:23 PM)DROLPRID Wrote: Ok I’ll try it thanks again
Vanguard. I heard wall is better but then I test it and it scrapes a lot. Vangaurd only sometimes scrapes but is pretty good
Wall is rly good with bearing. since Mobius operates much differently, imma hafta say vanguard. irdk tho
Vanguard. For sure