Hey everybody! Despite the fact i use burst beys since 2017, i still can't launch as i want to. I mean, the string launchers don't give their best (my fault, of course). I usually grab my l/r launchers with my left hand, i feel it greatly. Then, with my right hand's thumb and point finger, i take the tiny handle and try the best i can do. It doesn't work. For example, i still haven't activate any burst stopper on my Cho-z Achilles and Valkyrie yet (!). I need A LOT of help, like a tutorial or something. Even with a light launcher and a long winder, nah. Gotta work on that too.
And the Hasbro's white switchstrike launchers. I have problems with them too. If i soft launch, everything goes right. If i hard launch, all they do is making an awful sound and the beys fall onto the stadium with low power (just like i hand-spun them).
What you can say to improve in launching, in general?
Thank you for reading!
And the Hasbro's white switchstrike launchers. I have problems with them too. If i soft launch, everything goes right. If i hard launch, all they do is making an awful sound and the beys fall onto the stadium with low power (just like i hand-spun them).
What you can say to improve in launching, in general?
Thank you for reading!