(Feb. 01, 2021 7:23 PM)Longinox Wrote: And popularity matters not but the content does.
(Feb. 01, 2021 7:23 PM)EarthHelios Wrote: Why do people focus so much on the popularity?
Just popularity. Naruto is also good cuz of it's good fights. It's not like a huge blast, or some weapons win the fight
For example, Shikhamuru. He uses intellect to help him fight. That what makes Naruto good as well. All the characters in naruto use intelligence to defeat the enemy. The Fights are more fun.
Naruto has good backstory. It explains a reason why the villian's evil. Not just cuz he wants to rule, like a valid reason with an amazing backstory.
Naruto has good emotional scenes. It emphasizes the whole story. That's a valid reason why. I could list more reasons, if u would like for me to do so.
That's one of the few reasosn why naruto is so good
Popularity does mean something. If more poeple like something, It's more likely to be better. It draws more attention to more people.
(Feb. 01, 2021 7:23 PM)EarthHelios Wrote: Why do people focus so much on the popularity? That is just one part of what makes a anime great but there is more to it.
(Feb. 01, 2021 7:27 PM)Free... Hoya Wrote: I don't care about the popularity and idk even know which ones are if I like it I like it.
I know Helios, look at my post
Free... Hoya i agree. But I'm just saying that more the popular the show is, the more likely more poeple will like it. It's attraction. It spreads faster