75,000 Members Celebration!!

Count me in please...

3 + 4 = 7. That is my age now...
I have not nor will I probably win any contests like this but I'm really glad that the site has gotten so big. I'm really glad that so many people still enjoy beyblades like I do. I grew up with them and it warms my heart to see kids still playing with them. Nostalgia at it's finest!
Wow, good timing for me returning after a short break. Congrats WBO. Although, sad thing is I'm sure some of these accounts are old ones people made or other things such.
Please enter me in the event.
Congrats! Enter me!
I'm in as well.
hey how will you choose thhe winner
I thought there wasn't going to be a celebration until it reached 500,000 or something like that. At least the WBO has 75,000 members and growing.
good luck everyone.
Im in for lotto!
Great job WBO!!
Im entering this beylotto
Woah! I remember it was like, 20,000 when I joined. I feel old! Smile


EDIT: I totally forgot what my avatar was and it made me laugh all over again.
I want to enter... Whoo 75,000 members!
Goooooooo shooooooooot

Enter me please!!!
YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!75,000!!!!You guys are the reason we KEEP ON growing!NOW LET'S PARTY!!!!!1!!!!!!!11!!!!1!!!!!1!
Sounds great! Both the prizes and members XD I'm in too
Wait, I'll comment "Enter Me" now, just to be safe. It's nice to see the community grow... Wish we'd be more quality conscious sometimes...