My Driger MS is on the verge of breaking
And was wondering if replacement parts can be accurately replicated as if it was from the factory. We have a user who goes by the name Lowen, who is replicating weight disks and Running cores. But the parts that is most likely to break is the attack ring. Dranzer MS, Driger MS, Wolborg MS, Gaia Dragoon MS and even Dragoon MS can be prone to breakage. These little tops pack so much power with high attack power and its powerful launcher. That it concerns me what other future HMS Beyblade's are likely to break. And can the attack rings which also have engravings be replicated polished and printed in steel?
Posts of me Polishing some of my HMS Beyblades where i take them apart as you can see some are not held together well.
Here is Lowens post on replicating HMS Parts.
And was wondering if replacement parts can be accurately replicated as if it was from the factory. We have a user who goes by the name Lowen, who is replicating weight disks and Running cores. But the parts that is most likely to break is the attack ring. Dranzer MS, Driger MS, Wolborg MS, Gaia Dragoon MS and even Dragoon MS can be prone to breakage. These little tops pack so much power with high attack power and its powerful launcher. That it concerns me what other future HMS Beyblade's are likely to break. And can the attack rings which also have engravings be replicated polished and printed in steel?
Posts of me Polishing some of my HMS Beyblades where i take them apart as you can see some are not held together well.
Here is Lowens post on replicating HMS Parts.