Lets create A 5D beyblade system.

(Aug. 13, 2013  9:01 PM)XKai_DranzerX Wrote: Well call that spin track RSS145(rubber spin steal)

That would be called RS(2)145.
I have planned 2 STEs - they are called
Tornado balance
Tornado attack
The tornado balance is an STE which is metal semi-flat, providing stability and attack, whilst producing low recoil (hopefully).
The tornado attack will probably be rubber flat or something but I am not sure yet. Also this is kind of hard to design as I am not too familiar with blender. Do you guys know anyone who could help. Also, this is an important year for me in school, so I will be online but will not update frequently.
I actually going into ninth grade... where I pick my core subjects for 10th and 11th grade.
This is kinda getting off-topic. Anyways I'm almost done with my proto.
I haven't even started yet.
Ok I'm Working on something. But I broke like 2 spintracks and 3 tips
Repeated announcement. Is there ANYONE WHO CAN USE BLENDER REALLY WELL.
I think he means “a” blender? Not sure why he needs someone who can work a blender??
Thanks for the correction dragon Empress -bows down on knees- XD😉
No I meant a software which makes 3d plans called blender
Blender is a software used to make 3D images/shapes. OMG a blender, but that is hilarious! Yes blender would be very useful for what you guys are doing.
Synth can use it pretty well. Try to PM him.
He hasn't been on for q while . In fact all the people I know that can use blender haven't been on foe q while.
Sorry For double post but update IVE CREATED A DIAGRAM FOR THE 5D System !Wink But now I'm working on how to attach the battle attachments any Ideas
now is
(Sep. 08, 2013  1:09 PM)XKai_DranzerX Wrote: Sorry For double post but update IVE CREATED A DIAGRAM FOR THE 5D System !Wink But now I'm working on how to attach the battle attachments any Ideas

I am going to make the diagram today. I already had the top bit done. But I have fifired oit q way to mmake the diagram accurately with the tip. I made it before but it was rough now it's accurate.
Anyway I can't upload it Unhappy I have no laptop til October but I will keep thinking But great so far We've been far behind but we are almost done with the design and plans
Actually, I've got The 2d design and tested it out. It's ok. So I'm just improving it.
Ok great I can't wait to see our Finnished products
That'll take ages. The plans for me should be up next Sunday. Laptop isn't working sos.