World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Beyblade Burst Sparking Episode #35 (November 20, 2020)
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(Nov. 10, 2020  1:17 AM)g2_ Wrote: [ -> ]
(Nov. 10, 2020  1:16 AM)Admiral W Wrote: [ -> ]So who are you saying is the strongest in world?

We all know Harry is the strongest
(Nov. 10, 2020  1:17 AM)g2_ Wrote: [ -> ]
(Nov. 10, 2020  1:16 AM)Admiral W Wrote: [ -> ]So who are you saying is the strongest in world?

Yeah, sure. You know better than that lol.
(Nov. 10, 2020  1:19 AM)Admiral W Wrote: [ -> ]
(Nov. 10, 2020  1:17 AM)g2_ Wrote: [ -> ]HARRY

Yeah, sure. You know better than that lol.
done, fixed it
Valt gets all the glory while Aiga is being beaten by the bad guys
(Nov. 10, 2020  1:20 AM)EarthHelios Wrote: [ -> ]Valt gets all the glory while Aiga is being beaten by the bad guys

(sad drum noises) (aside from rantaro, he is the legend that most lost)
Best looking face: Drum
Best flare: Lane
Best mentoring: Shu
Best resonance: Aiga
Best smile: Valt
Best cutness: Harry
Best virus spreader: Hyuga
Best planner; Hikaru
Best laugh: Xander/Lui
Best quietness: Free
(Nov. 09, 2020  11:45 PM)Achilles25 Wrote: [ -> ]
(Nov. 09, 2020  11:39 PM)Eclipse Force Wrote: [ -> ]Decently accurate I think. Here's mine.

1. Shu
2. Lain
3. Valt
4. Free
5. Lui
6. Hikaru
7. Aiger
8. Hyuga
9. Dante
10. Silas/Rantaro

It's okay but are u sure aiga is all the way down there plus i'm a 100% sure hikaru is not stronger than aiga but he is stronger than dante

Hikaru burst Aiger in the manga
(Nov. 10, 2020  1:22 AM)EarthHelios Wrote: [ -> ]Best looking face: Drum
Best flare: Lane
Best mentoring: Shu
Best resonance: Aiga
Best smile: Valt
Best cutness: Harry
Best virus spreader: Hyuga
Best planner; Hikaru
Best laugh: Xander/Lui
Best quietness: Free
Best at getting sucked by a Vacuum: Hyuga
Best at MAFS: Gwyn
Besy at sucking: Arthur
(Nov. 10, 2020  1:25 AM)valtaoi_007 Wrote: [ -> ]
(Nov. 10, 2020  1:22 AM)EarthHelios Wrote: [ -> ]Best looking face: Drum
Best flare: Lane
Best mentoring: Shu
Best resonance: Aiga
Best smile: Valt
Best cutness: Harry
Best virus spreader: Hyuga
Best planner; Hikaru
Best laugh: Xander/Lui
Best quietness: Free
Best at getting sucked by a Vacuum: Hyuga
Best at MAFS: Gwyn
Besy at sucking: Arthur

lol right
(Nov. 10, 2020  1:19 AM)Admiral W Wrote: [ -> ]
(Nov. 10, 2020  1:17 AM)g2_ Wrote: [ -> ]Drum.

Yeah, sure. You know better than that lol.
Nice profile picture.
All the Valt fans: Woohoo!
All the Shu fans: Oh no here we go again
Drum being strongest memes aside, he's canonically as smart as Gwyn. Anyways, can't wait to see this episode. New Lucius ishype.
Lane: My new Lucifer! Means more flare!
Shu: I have a strategy that will stop you a 2nd time.
Harry: I will destroy everyone
(Nov. 10, 2020  1:42 AM)Eclipse Force Wrote: [ -> ]he's canonically as smart as Gwyn

Theoretically Shu should be slightly stronger than Valt
(Nov. 10, 2020  1:39 AM)g2_ Wrote: [ -> ]
(Nov. 10, 2020  1:19 AM)Admiral W Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah, sure. You know better than that lol.
Nice profile picture.

Thanks. I always did like gold turbo and Valt using it looks awesome.
(Nov. 10, 2020  1:44 AM)6Jupiter5 Wrote: [ -> ]
(Nov. 10, 2020  1:42 AM)Eclipse Force Wrote: [ -> ]he's canonically as smart as Gwyn


Yesh. He do be smart do  😳 

jokes aside, he built a whole gaming pc at the age of 9 (among other things). My butt struggles to put sticker on beyblades 😔
When Lane goes at full rage he be like.............
(Nov. 10, 2020  1:45 AM)EarthHelios Wrote: [ -> ]Theoretically Shu should be slightly stronger than Valt
1.) it took shu 2 shot to destroy lean barrier at max power while it only took valt 1 shot at destroying the barrier at max power so clearly
2.) if spriggan doesn't have the burst blockers spriggan will have the same fate as valkyrie (being burst by Variant disaster)

Lean>valt>shu in terms of power
I seriously don´t want Valt having the title for himself
(Nov. 10, 2020  1:12 AM)Admiral W Wrote: [ -> ]
(Nov. 10, 2020  1:06 AM)God Dragruler Wrote: [ -> ]I wouldn't say valt is totally better . Yea he help aiga create the cho z but shu still give him the idea directly to Master the cho z awakening bey aiga became more calm and discipline after that semi training time he had with shu he ended being better at beyblading in general in Manga the reason why he went to shu Was cause shu was better in the in control of the cho z awakening he was master it after aiga train with shu he went on and beat valt . As for boa yes he neve was directly mentor by shu but his still the reason why boa became strong in God each time boa was about to fail his snake pit training shu give him the motivation to get back up and get stronger and as you mentioned it's still kind of count cause no shu no boa.  And as for  fubuki well he got shaft but let's take out aiga and boa on the equation. To focus on lane we already did fubuki  Now lane  Is the big boi now even though valt got to of his student in the 15 one rank 6 and rank 9 delta is the lane will end up above any of valt students lane is already top 3 in the world an that's without being a legend already beat lui and free .  If we look at it lane is more impressive than drum or delta and has a faster growth the any of them too his growth rivals Gwynn if not better in certain department . As you can see theirs an argument for both jeez that was way to long sorry about that guys lol

Lane is actually a unique case. Because truthfully the training Shu administered was to help get his flare under control (which he was never able to accomplish) Lane was already insanely powerful before that. Most of the work as far as his power was concerned was already in place before Shu took him under his wing. As far as Aiga is concerned Shu didn't mentor him from the ground up, so I wouldn't call Shu his mentor he helped him for a very brief period.
  • fair points.  but we have to remember none if the students were really train from scratch delta was always good same with drum that's why they were recruited by bc sol but delta and lane are still called students of valt and shu either way you don't need to be trained from ground up for one to have a student and teacher relationship it's just a matter what did you learn from them that's what really make the teacher and student part.  but anyway theirs no blader that was mentor from scratchll even the asahi we're already decent the even made their own sparking beys the got better under rantaro.  that's why we have to look at then after the train with certain person's we have to look at their growth with whoever impact their growth.  for aiga that's why i decide that we keep him out if the equation his a special case of his own. but either way who's better mentor is really up to anyone choice at the end honestly 
Letting Shu be the test blader for Lane
(Nov. 10, 2020  2:20 AM)God Dragruler Wrote: [ -> ]
(Nov. 10, 2020  1:12 AM)Admiral W Wrote: [ -> ]Lane is actually a unique case. Because truthfully the training Shu administered was to help get his flare under control (which he was never able to accomplish) Lane was already insanely powerful before that. Most of the work as far as his power was concerned was already in place before Shu took him under his wing. As far as Aiga is concerned Shu didn't mentor him from the ground up, so I wouldn't call Shu his mentor he helped him for a very brief period.
  • fair points.  but we have to remember none if the students were really train from scratch delta was always good same with drum that's why they were recruited by bc sol but delta and lane are still called students of valt and shu either way you don't need to be trained from ground up for one to have a student and teacher relationship it's just a matter what did you learn from them that's what really make the teacher and student part.  but anyway theirs no blader that was mentor from scratchll even the asahi we're already decent the even made their own sparking beys the got better under rantaro.  that's why we have to look at then after the train with certain person's we have to look at their growth with whoever impact their growth.  for aiga that's why i decide that we keep him out if the equation his a special case of his own. but either way who's better mentor is really up to anyone choice at the end honestly 

When I say mentored from scratch, I'm talking about building their blading abilities in significant ways, no doubt Dante and Delta owe a great deal of their foundation in blading to Valt. In Lane's case, the training instilled by Shu was mostly in an effort to control his flare.
(Nov. 10, 2020  1:54 AM)Needforspeed Wrote: [ -> ]
(Nov. 10, 2020  1:45 AM)EarthHelios Wrote: [ -> ]Theoretically Shu should be slightly stronger than Valt
1.) it took shu 2 shot to destroy lean barrier at max power while it only took valt 1 shot at destroying the barrier at max power so clearly
2.) if spriggan doesn't have the burst blockers spriggan will have the same fate as valkyrie (being burst by Variant disaster)

Lean>valt>shu in terms of power

we can't be using the burst stopper as to why one win that's like saying free only wins cause fafnir has rubber or valt only won in cho z against hearts cause he had burst stopper or even aiga if those were the sole reason of victory phi would not have demolishing shu and breaking spriggan in the process  . those are gimmick that helps you win but not the sole reason one wins
(Nov. 10, 2020  2:27 AM)God Dragruler Wrote: [ -> ]
(Nov. 10, 2020  1:54 AM)Needforspeed Wrote: [ -> ]No
1.) it took shu 2 shot to destroy lean barrier at max power while it only took valt 1 shot at destroying the barrier at max power so clearly
2.) if spriggan doesn't have the burst blockers spriggan will have the same fate as valkyrie (being burst by Variant disaster)

Lean>valt>shu in terms of power

we can't be using the burst stopper as to why one win that's like saying free only wins cause fafnir has rubber or valt only won in cho z against hearts cause he had burst stopper or even aiga if those were the sole reason of victory phi would not have demolishing shu and breaking spriggan in the process  . those are gimmick that helps you win but not the sole reason one wins

It’s more on how they use the gimmicks. Phi used his armor to force beys into a high pressure spot, Free used absorb and nothing to launch a counterattack, Valt used the turbo wings to burst Hearts, and so on.
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