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Full Version: Beyblade Burst Sparking Episode #35 (November 20, 2020)
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(Nov. 20, 2020  4:26 PM)Vtryuga Wrote: [ -> ]According to my understanding Lean at the end was furious as he realised that there are no more legends to beat at all as he has beaten Aiga Valt Shu and the rest. He wants to desperately increase his flare but is unable to as there are no more opponents he can look forward to beating. That is the reason he is mad.
do you think this fact can be explored a bit more in order to develop lean as a character?
It’s really hard to say. I would think that the most they could come up with is that he was inspired by a legendary blader(s) to get stronger and kind of got carried away in the pursuit, or maybe they can say that Lane is obssesivr kind of like Shu was in s1-2. The thing about power crazed individuals is that they are usually not influenced by external factors and are genuinely motivated by their own dark desires so it’s hard to put an origin on that sort of thing. I would think that the explanation for Lane being so desperate for more power even after reaching the top is the fact that peace and satisfaction are like hell to a power hungry man.
Lane is either stupid or scary.
I know people are so gonna hate me right now but Hear me out. Valt in sparking and every legend in sparking except for Aiga and Drum don’t feel like the same characters anymore. I remember when Rantaro was way better a character and Valt was actually cool and didn’t seem like he was an old guy trying to help two random kids get stronger. Yes I know he grew up but would any of you do that at the age of 15. Don’t let me get started on Shu. He just sounds much more of a baby now. He always talk about flare just like Lane does and it’s just so dumb. I know he thinks it’s the future of beyblade but there’s no reason he has to sound like a whiny baby about not helping Lane. Back to Valt now. I feel like this Valt doesn’t care much about blading and he’s literally become someone who cares about other kids.
(Nov. 21, 2020  12:02 AM)Gurjaan Wrote: [ -> ]I know people are so gonna hate me right now but Hear me out. Valt in sparking and every legend in sparking except for Aiga and Drum don’t feel like the same characters anymore. I remember when Rantaro was way better a character and Valt was actually cool and didn’t seem like he was an old guy trying to help two random kids get stronger. Yes I know he grew up but would any of you do that at the age of 15. Don’t let me get started on Shu. He just sounds much more of a baby now. He always talk about flare just like Lane does and it’s just so dumb. I know he thinks it’s the future of beyblade but there’s no reason he has to sound like a whiny baby about not helping Lane. Back to Valt now. I feel like this Valt doesn’t care much about blading and he’s literally become someone who cares about other kids.

very true
Thank You. I hope a lot of people realize this. You know when Valt or any legend loses now I really don’t care I just feel like their not the same legends even though they are if you don’t like the show then please rewatch beyblade burst season 1 and 2.
I think Lane needs a timeout man
(Nov. 21, 2020  12:06 AM)Gurjaan Wrote: [ -> ]Thank You. I hope a lot of people realize this. You know when Valt or any legend loses now I really don’t care I just feel like their not the same legends even though they are if you don’t like the show then please rewatch beyblade burst season 1 and 2.

I agree
Lane is a wrecking machine but he is also a very dumb kid. Even more dumber than Hyuga.
(Nov. 20, 2020  11:51 PM)Needforspeed Wrote: [ -> ]
(Nov. 20, 2020  4:26 PM)Vtryuga Wrote: [ -> ]According to my understanding Lean at the end was furious as he realised that there are no more legends to beat at all as he has beaten Aiga Valt Shu and the rest. He wants to desperately increase his flare but is unable to as there are no more opponents he can look forward to beating. That is the reason he is mad.
Zeutron Admiral W Needforspeed do you think this fact can be explored a bit more in order to develop lean as a character?
I think this will be a great story telling if handled or executed correctly but then again sparking likes to execute what could've been a great moment but they screw it

Just curious, when did they do that (as in screw up a great moment)?
Lane did a good job beating Shu
(Nov. 21, 2020  12:02 AM)Gurjaan Wrote: [ -> ]I know people are so gonna hate me right now but Hear me out. Valt in sparking and every legend in sparking except for Aiga and Drum don’t feel like the same characters anymore. I remember when Rantaro was way better a character and Valt was actually cool and didn’t seem like he was an old guy trying to help two random kids get stronger. Yes I know he grew up but would any of you do that at the age of 15. Don’t let me get started on Shu. He just sounds much more of a baby now. He always talk about flare just like Lane does and it’s just so dumb. I know he thinks it’s the future of beyblade but there’s no reason he has to sound like a whiny baby about not helping Lane. Back to Valt now. I feel like this Valt doesn’t care much about blading and he’s literally become someone who cares about other kids.
Well that’s the point, the characters are meant to have developed by Sparking and I gotta say, Aiga does seem pretty different to me as he is much less arrogant and far more serious even going as far as to say that he was far form invincible. Yes Drum is relatively the same but it’s only been a year since gt so he’s an exception. I don’t know about you, but Shu being interested in flare seems pretty reasonable to me and I wouldn’t really call it whining tbh. He has definitely been pretty boring recently but it could be worse.
Shu can never ever get Lane back
Ironic to what said, I believe Free is the only character who hasn’t changed far too much or rather has changed for the worst. He’s still that somewhat arrogant boring guy who doesn’t take the newcomers seriously and is oblivious to those around him- and yes, I know he takes the other legends seriously but they are on his level so it’s no surprise that he would. It’s almost as if he’s downgraded since his appearance in Cho-z, where he was humble, serious and legitimately fun to watch.
Man alot of them legends dont do the eye thingy where it turns into a different color.
(Nov. 20, 2020  11:39 PM)Valtryek Aoi Wrote: [ -> ]
(Nov. 20, 2020  9:17 PM)BeybladeX100 Wrote: [ -> ]Yea I agree I just think the old characters should have gotten more spotlight it’s fine with new characters but the fact they keep pushing out the term “new generation bladers”is really overused as last time I checked Hikaru is older then Drum so what does that say about Drum being a new generation blader but he still gets no spotlight I think Lean could have gotten someway of how he’s this strong I may get some hate for saying this but I feel like their just forcing the anime to give Lean the wins yea yes you could say he’s talented but what does he do to make himself talented he’s definitely not smart or has battle skills his only motive is a flare dialogue you can’t become the best if you don’t train you can’t beat the number one tennis player you can’t beat the number 3 basketball player if you don’t practice so what does Lean have going for him other then his so called plot armor I agree I’ve made bad assumptions in this episode so I’m at fault but I’m still a little curious how he’s beating people without any strategy or without breaking a sweat Shu was able to beat Lui bc he trains day in and out I feel like people never watched og burst and god reason how Lui beat free was bc free wasn’t going all out not only that we had so many moments for these characters in such a short amount of time they get replaced so easily and just get tossed aside I don’t want others to take this as a grain of salt it’s just me being a little butthurt about the legends that I loved so much

I know Lean does seem pretty brain dead, but the anime itself did acknowledge the fact that Lean is a natural prodigy in the skill and strategy department, all being reinforced by his flare. Main problem is that the writers don't seem to care enough to actually show it.

The new generation thing does not apply to age, it applies to when the blader blasted off in their world career. Drum already had his time to shine before the bros even touched the world stage.

They never acknowledged anything about his skill, being a prodigy, or strategy let’s be real here in the legends Festival Lean stop Hikaru Lui drum and Silas from having a 2v2 fight all he did was stand in the middle and said (flare dialogue)what strategy was that it was just simply Plot armor I can understand Silas and Hikaru but drum and Lui???not only that Aiga went with no parts what a coincidence just to market the no parts not only that in the battle with Valt he can still battle with no barrier but then proceeded to bring it back up with Aiga for some reason if that’s the case it’s safe to say he could have broken Achilles with that no barrier but that’s my assumption other then that their was no strategy in swirling around a stadium to bring up your barrier and scream flare then we have Valt vs Lean I liked the battle it was ok I hate how he lost but it is how it is but him able to have equal strength with Valkyrie without a barrier is a little confusing let’s add the fact that all everyone could have done is attack it from above something that not even Shu thought about doing while fighting Lean 11 times if you can’t attack it head on why not attack it from above I don’t remember Shu being this dumb I don’t like how he lost but a lost is a lost but Lean is no prodigy
Bruh if yall say Lane won 12-0 think again. He said it was a burst match only.
Everyone make your profile pic Wakiya.
(Nov. 21, 2020  2:26 AM)Achilles25 Wrote: [ -> ]Everyone make your profile pic Wakiya.

no not goldilocks?!
(Nov. 21, 2020  2:25 AM)BeybladeX100 Wrote: [ -> ]
(Nov. 20, 2020  11:39 PM)Valtryek Aoi Wrote: [ -> ]I know Lean does seem pretty brain dead, but the anime itself did acknowledge the fact that Lean is a natural prodigy in the skill and strategy department, all being reinforced by his flare. Main problem is that the writers don't seem to care enough to actually show it.

The new generation thing does not apply to age, it applies to when the blader blasted off in their world career. Drum already had his time to shine before the bros even touched the world stage.

They never acknowledged anything about his skill, being a prodigy, or strategy let’s be real here in the legends Festival Lean stop Hikaru Lui drum and Silas from having a 2v2 fight all he did was stand in the middle and said (flare dialogue)what strategy was that it was just simply Plot armor I can understand Silas and Hikaru but drum and Lui???not only that Aiga went with no parts what a coincidence just to market the no parts not only that in the battle with Valt he can still battle with no barrier but then proceeded to bring it back up with Aiga for some reason if that’s the case it’s safe to say he could have broken Achilles with that no barrier but that’s my assumption other then that their was no strategy in swirling around a stadium to bring up your barrier and scream flare then we have Valt vs Lean I liked the battle it was ok I hate how he lost but it is how it is but him able to have equal strength with Valkyrie without a barrier is a little confusing let’s add the fact that all everyone could have done is attack it from above something that not even Shu thought about doing while fighting Lean 11 times if you can’t attack it head on why not attack it from above I don’t remember Shu being this dumb I don’t like how he lost but a lost is a lost but Lean is no prodigy

Well it was said in the anime that he is a prodigy and his skill level is unbelievable (according to shu) ; I have the subbed version. But yes I get the point why you are angry and shu in the revenge match was using a different strategy( they discussed it in the show about shu using defense mode to avoid a burst) . But yes Obviously the battle with Aiga was BS as well as The Battle Royale
I think shu used the fixed blade mode to face off Lane
(Nov. 21, 2020  3:18 AM)Vtryuga Wrote: [ -> ]
(Nov. 21, 2020  2:25 AM)BeybladeX100 Wrote: [ -> ]They never acknowledged anything about his skill, being a prodigy, or strategy let’s be real here in the legends Festival Lean stop Hikaru Lui drum and Silas from having a 2v2 fight all he did was stand in the middle and said (flare dialogue)what strategy was that it was just simply Plot armor I can understand Silas and Hikaru but drum and Lui???not only that Aiga went with no parts what a coincidence just to market the no parts not only that in the battle with Valt he can still battle with no barrier but then proceeded to bring it back up with Aiga for some reason if that’s the case it’s safe to say he could have broken Achilles with that no barrier but that’s my assumption other then that their was no strategy in swirling around a stadium to bring up your barrier and scream flare then we have Valt vs Lean I liked the battle it was ok I hate how he lost but it is how it is but him able to have equal strength with Valkyrie without a barrier is a little confusing let’s add the fact that all everyone could have done is attack it from above something that not even Shu thought about doing while fighting Lean 11 times if you can’t attack it head on why not attack it from above I don’t remember Shu being this dumb I don’t like how he lost but a lost is a lost but Lean is no prodigy

Well it was said in the anime that he is a prodigy and his skill level is unbelievable (according to shu) ; I have the subbed version. But yes I get the point why you are angry and shu in the revenge match was using a different strategy( they discussed it in the show about shu using defense mode to avoid a burst) . But yes Obviously the battle with Aiga was BS as well as The Battle Royale

Yea I do believe Shu 100% said that but let’s be honest anyone will say that about their student just for motivation even in Cho-Z Fubuki was said to be Valts successor and Shu’s best student but he turned out to be not even the strongest but he’s at least up their I’m not mad don’t get me wrong but it’s not like Shu to keep worry about a burst finish it’s how Beyblades are meant for to burst after all the way to win is to make a strategy on how to defeat the opponent not worrying about yourself at the moment just seems Shu’s character changes in this season if a fan favorite character losses then it’s something we can’t do about it we just have to deal with it but it does disappoint a lot of fans
Every legend had their chance to shine. But they just arent getting justice
(Nov. 21, 2020  3:32 AM)BeybladeX100 Wrote: [ -> ]
(Nov. 21, 2020  3:18 AM)Vtryuga Wrote: [ -> ]Well it was said in the anime that he is a prodigy and his skill level is unbelievable (according to shu) ; I have the subbed version. But yes I get the point why you are angry and shu in the revenge match was using a different strategy( they discussed it in the show about shu using defense mode to avoid a burst) . But yes Obviously the battle with Aiga was BS as well as The Battle Royale

Yea I do believe Shu 100% said that but let’s be honest anyone will say that about their student just for motivation even in Cho-Z Fubuki was said to be Valts successor and Shu’s best student but he turned out to be not even the strongest but he’s at least up their I’m not mad don’t get me wrong but it’s not like Shu to keep worry about a burst finish it’s how Beyblades are meant for to burst after all the way to win is to make a strategy on how to defeat the opponent not worrying about yourself at the moment just seems Shu’s character changes in this season if a fan favorite character losses then it’s something we can’t do about it we just have to deal with it but it does disappoint a lot of fans

This is the annoying part about it. Sure, my favorite characters do lose which is meh, but people do overlook a few things.
Lean did talk about strategy, tactics, and reconnaissance during his introduction. Still a problem by the writers, but they didn't show any of that at all.
Main problem I see about this whole thing is how the battles are shifted from more strategy to more resonance. I know there was bond between blader and bey in season 1 and 2, but I feel like strategy and actual skill could penetrate those things. That's why when the pure power battles came in, they were exciting because there was less of them, and we knew of the competitors strength. Ever since Cho-Z, the focus has moved towards resonance, and less strategy. The newer generations always get the stronger form of resonance before they are chucked into the back burner.

Not saying I want resonance to be removed entirely, but possibly a more balanced focus on skill and tactics compared to the bone. In the early season, I would have thought it as 60/40 resonance/strat & skill but now I feel like it's 85/15.
Everyone still complains there fav characters lose so early or the way the lost was unfair
(Nov. 21, 2020  3:49 AM)Valtryek Aoi Wrote: [ -> ]
(Nov. 21, 2020  3:32 AM)BeybladeX100 Wrote: [ -> ]Yea I do believe Shu 100% said that but let’s be honest anyone will say that about their student just for motivation even in Cho-Z Fubuki was said to be Valts successor and Shu’s best student but he turned out to be not even the strongest but he’s at least up their I’m not mad don’t get me wrong but it’s not like Shu to keep worry about a burst finish it’s how Beyblades are meant for to burst after all the way to win is to make a strategy on how to defeat the opponent not worrying about yourself at the moment just seems Shu’s character changes in this season if a fan favorite character losses then it’s something we can’t do about it we just have to deal with it but it does disappoint a lot of fans

This is the annoying part about it. Sure, my favorite characters do lose which is meh, but people do overlook a few things.
Lean did talk about strategy, tactics, and reconnaissance during his introduction. Still a problem by the writers, but they didn't show any of that at all.
Main problem I see about this whole thing is how the battles are shifted from more strategy to more resonance. I know there was bond between blader and bey in season 1 and 2, but I feel like strategy and actual skill could penetrate those things. That's why when the pure power battles came in, they were exciting because there was less of them, and we knew of the competitors strength. Ever since Cho-Z, the focus has moved towards resonance, and less strategy. The newer generations always get the stronger form of resonance before they are chucked into the back burner.

Not saying I want resonance to be removed entirely, but possibly a more balanced focus on skill and tactics compared to the bone. In the early season, I would have thought it as 60/40 resonance/strat & skill but now I feel like it's 85/15.

Lane’s strategy is solid. Just plot barrier them all
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