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They never really showed Lee's or Rick's, so we only saw DEMS (think I'm wrong about this one), DGMS, Gaia Dragoon, Driger, Draciel, Dranzer and Wolborg (last panel or so before the 15 years later part, on Tala's launcher).

And Kai and Tyson battle unofficially in 14 before their match, where Kai copys Tyson's ultimate move Evolution Storm to makes his stronger move, End of Fire. They battle, but I don't think they finish. Satisfied that they had their fill of rivalry, they battle each other finally in the Championships with a smile. Then it shows 15 years later, where Tyson has a son, Makoto, Kenny is a bey researcher, Max owns a research lab like his mom, and Ray is married to Mariah with a daughter. Tyson's son has inherited Dragoon and Tyson's old cap, while Gou, who is Kai's son, has inherited Dranzer. Kai has become the head of BBA, and as he goes to watch Gou's battle, Tyson stops him. Max, Kenny and Ray realize where Tyson went, for as Gou and Makoto battle with Dragoon and Dranzer, Kai and Tyson pull out the original beys of Dragoon MS and Dranzer MS and begin to battle again.
Huh the summary I read really made it seem like there were loads of hms around. I always thought hms maybe got a proper showing in the manga(i.e a lot more than the anime) but I guess not. No wonder they failed if the only hms that are ever really shown were the main character's one's.
(Dec. 09, 2011  11:37 PM)GaHooleone Wrote: [ -> ]And Kai and Tyson battle unofficially in 14 before their match, where Kai copy's Tyson's ultimate move Evolution Storm to makes his stronger move, End of Fire. They battle, but I don't think they finish. Satisfied that they had their fill of rivalry, they battle each other finally in the Championships with a smile. Then it shows 15 years later, where Tyson has a son, Makoto, Kenny is a bey researcher, Max owns a research lab like his mom, and Ray is married to Mariah with a daughter. Tyson's son has inherited Dragoon and Tyson's old cap, while Gou, who is Kai's son, has inherited Dranzer. Kai has become the head of BBA, and as he goes to watch Gou's battle, Tyson stops him. Max, Kenny and Ray realize where Tyson went, for as Gou and Makoto battle with Dragoon and Dranzer, Kai and Tyson pull out the original beys of Dragoon MS and Dranzer MS and begin to battle again.

Do you have the volume or the scans ?

Neither, just a very good memory from kaibeysharks. Unfortunately, I didn't copy the scans, just bookmarked the page, before KaiBeySharks went down. Sucks, but yeah...
Another annoying question: After realising that the Diver Beys from RB11 were actually in the anime(in one episode where they all got beaten) I was wondering whether they were in the manga at all because I can't believe they released those with the way they were in the anime?
I'm also fairly interested in that, because I had a similar opinion when I saw them.
Hah, unfortunately I don't remember that from the manga. Weren't those 3 showed during the whole 'Blitzkrieg Boys v. Boris' anyways? The post-tournament was an anime-exclusive arc, so I don't think they showed up. But, you make a good point.
They were guys Boris put up against them to test them or something like that.

They were utterly stomped into the dirt, to say the least.
Yup, thanks for confirming that. Now, I'm positive that the Diver series were part of another anime exclusive RB. IIRC, 10 was the last manga- and anime-related booster. 12 obviously wasn't released in manga, and thanks to Hazel for confirming, 11 wasn't shown in the manga either.
Anyone have a clear picture of Dr. Ziggurat ? Full body would be appreciated..
And, Is Faust a part of the Starbreakers?
(Dec. 13, 2011  5:48 AM)Tris Wrote: [ -> ]Anyone have a clear picture of Dr. Ziggurat ? Full body would be appreciated..
And, Is Faust a part of the Starbreakers?

Yes, Faust is on team Starbreakers along with Damien, Zeo and Jack.
I have two questions

1. Was Dr. Ziggurat's evil plan was to take over the world with an army of brainwashed Beybladers and the floating fortress known as Hades City?

2. If the thing where Dr. Ziggurat being the real mastermind behind the Dark Nebula is true, then how did he know about where Koma Village is, and L-Drago being sealed up in the volcano?
1) Yes.
2) It's never shown how they know. If L Drago is one of the 4 pieces of Gaia which were required to revive Diablo Nemesis and and if Doji was part of the black sun from the beginning then the Black sun/Nemesis would have known about it and told Doji to do it since L Drago was required to be released. However this all hinges on whether L Drago is one of the four pieces of gaia or not. I'm not sure whether it is.
Here's another two questions, particularly about Team Wang Hu Zhong:

1. Don't you think they could have gotten in a lot of trouble and replaced as the Chinese team if people found out that they were spying on Gan Gan Galaxy?

2. Is the thing where Wang Hu Zhong's Chi-Yun Li spying on Ginga and the others a reference to how China was paying U.S. citizens to be their spies?
This is all a show ... Beyblade has always been very stereotypical, and most other cultures are seen spying or using "dirty tricks" anyway, because they represent the villain of the moment until the team changes countries.
I know, I know. But still, it's wrong to spy on other people.
i was wondering why does it say that there 20 legendary bladers on the nelvana website, when there are only 10 legendary bladers, since this may cause confusion, also will there be another season after metal fight beyblade 4d
Either Nelvana knows something about the future which has yet to be revealed to Japanese, or they did a mistake.

There is no information at all yet about a fourth season, especially since the episodes are now cut in half and that it will take longer for 4D to end.
is omega dragonis left spin
(Dec. 26, 2011  2:08 AM)nextgenbladerz Wrote: [ -> ]is omega dragonis left spin

No, it is a right-spin dragon Beyblade, hence why everybody is just entranced by that.

how did Johannes even get involved with Pluto's plans in the first place?
That seems more suited for the Random Thoughts thread, because it's not really a question with a definite answer. Just for the next time you post something similar.
Got it. I'll edit my post then
will the metal fury anime be extended due to the show now being 12 mins, since on nelvana i says 51 half hour episodes
(Jan. 01, 2012  10:09 PM)dragoonevo Wrote: [ -> ]will the metal fury anime be extended due to the show now being 12 mins, since on nelvana i says 51 half hour episodes

It should be.
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