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Where can I watch beyblade metal masters subbed?
Can someone tell me if there are any/many filler episodes in the MFB show? I want to keep up with the show but i have to start from ep ~6 i think. Well in the end i´ll watch them all but maybe you can tell me what i have to expect.
Galaxxy Wrote:Where can I watch beyblade metal masters subbed?


(Jun. 14, 2011  12:33 PM)BladerFromPast Wrote: [ -> ]Can someone tell me if there are any/many filler episodes in the MFB show? I want to keep up with the show but i have to start from ep ~6 i think. Well in the end i´ll watch them all but maybe you can tell me what i have to expect.

Yes, there are a few. We have topics for each episode, so you can just read them to know if the episode was boring or not.
well i would like to ask that how ginga got bbp and kyoya got fan leone please someone tell
(Jun. 14, 2011  2:21 PM)xlr8 Wrote: [ -> ]well i would like to ask that how ginga got bbp and kyoya got fan leone please someone tell

Watch episode 103.
(Jun. 14, 2011  9:07 PM)GaHooleone Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jun. 14, 2011  2:21 PM)xlr8 Wrote: [ -> ]well i would like to ask that how ginga got bbp and kyoya got fan leone please someone tell

Watch episode 103.

well i can't that's why i asked it here on this thread
(Jun. 15, 2011  9:05 AM)xlr8 Wrote: [ -> ]well i can't that's why i asked it here on this thread

You cannot even go on YouTube or download it from here ...
A very Noobie Question Who is Sol Blazes Owner Sorry I don;t know this stupid question i haven't seen the Movie and if you could link a Picture that would be great
(Jun. 19, 2011  2:37 AM)BillyBlast Wrote: [ -> ]A very Noobie Question Who is Sol Blazes Owner Sorry I don;t know this stupid question i haven't seen the Movie and if you could link a Picture that would be great

His name is Helios, google search Sol Blaze (or even search for Metal Fight Beyblade Movie) and you'll see a picture of him.. it's not rocket science.
Should someone add a Wild Mass Guessing section in TVtropes involving Beyblade Metal Fight? A YMMV and Characters section already exists, this needs to be implemented to keep further (horrible) speculation at a minimum. To some degree of minimum at least.

EDIT: To keep it off the forums is what I mean....
What happend to the BBA to make bega In charge?
any new Ultimate Bladers chapters added onto Beyblade Spirit??
(Jul. 24, 2011  1:34 AM)KoolCatCurtis Wrote: [ -> ]any new Ultimate Bladers chapters added onto Beyblade Spirit??

Ah, I am quite late ... I think I have two chapters, I just need to upload each page ...
(May. 10, 2011  2:14 AM)firephionex Wrote: [ -> ]anyone know when season 2 is coming to North America

They now got a date
Sat Aug 27 - 8:30am on Cartoon Network
and they will be everyweek from then
Madoka Used A Bey During Ginka's And Yuki's Battle Right? So What Bey Is That?
What is the guys name with Beat Lynx again...
The owner of Beat Lynx is Johannes.
(Aug. 03, 2011  8:51 PM)Wang Fu Zhong Wrote: [ -> ]The owner of Beat Lynx is Johannes.

oh yeah.... I knew that Tongue_out

seriously I did... but thanks for reminding me so much Wink
So I have been collecting up the original series DVD's for region 2, UK. It's come to my attention that they only go to 10. The tenth DVD only seems to get to the end of the Majestic tour. Was the UK version cut at only 10?

The US region 1 has again 10 DVD's but they finish up at the World Championships, does anyone know how many episodes each US DVD has on them? The UK always has 4 episodes but they always make it out that there's a 'Bonus Episode' on top of the 3 standard episodes.
(Jul. 27, 2011  8:00 AM)Hell Wolf Wrote: [ -> ]Madoka Used A Bey During Ginka's And Yuki's Battle Right? So What Bey Is That?

I believe in the first season she just thrown together generic parts,

It was a variation of Mad Cancer, but with a mismatched facebolt.
What is Mercury Anubis's constellation called?
(Aug. 11, 2011  9:11 PM)InfiniteLibra Wrote: [ -> ]What is Mercury Anubis's constellation called?

It is a planet, Mercury ...
What beys does team Chandora have?
They use Flame, Rock, and Storm Serpent.
I don't know the rest of the parts on them, but its most likely standard parts in the show, nothing special.
What is the plot for the 4D MFB manga? Like, who is in the group and what are they currently doing?

Also, have they gone to Russia yet?
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