World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

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(Mar. 13, 2012  4:02 AM)LeonTempestXIII Wrote: [ -> ]I am not going to lie, the artist for the MFB manga is actualy rather terrible 0_o. Granted, he/she is good enough to be a manga artist, but these almost look like quick sketches...

At least Takafune-sensei draws the beys very well. ^^
I think some of the panels are still really well drawn, not only the Beyblades. It depends which one you look at, but a lot of the Ginga pictures in the last few chapters look very good.
Backing up what Kai-V said...

That panel is actually not that flattering because the "wing" end of the scarf is positioned in such a way that the face of Ginga in the background seems to have a mustach, but yes, otherwise it is a cool image hah ...
...I didn't even notice that, haha.

I still like the way it is drawn though.
That one in particular, is very well drawn, as well as many in the last few chapters, as you stated. But looking at the scan image of Zero's cameo appearance, especialy the bottom

On a side note, Kai-V, in case you were unaware, some of the latest images have "either been removed or deleted" In Chapter 14, page 636 is gone, and so is the image of Damien that Ga'Hooleone posted.

Ha, mustache Ginga XD
None of the latest images should be deleted, since I viewed them all yesterday. Could you compole a short list telling me exactly which chapter and which page does not work, and send it to me by private message ?
Who is Nowaguma?
(Mar. 14, 2012  12:30 PM)PhantomKid Wrote: [ -> ]Who is Nowaguma?

The astronaut Blader from the Lavshuka team in Metal Fight Beyblade. He has a Rock Orso D125B.
I just wanted to know, has the metal masters stopped in the uk????
Oh yes, i know what you mean, the matt hatter chronicles has taken over the 4:30 time slot but i expect beyblade will be back soon, it was getting really popular, first they had a spongebob week then they have 2 weeks of Matt Hatter Chronicles, when will it end, i mean it will have to, how else will they start metal fury?
Thanks apple I mean iwas getting tired watching metal fusion episodes I've already seen
On beyblade wiki I looked at gingka's page and it said he is the number 2 blader in the world, who is number 1?
He is the #1, that's a typo.
Did anyone else notice how Cartoon Netwrok skipped 2 epsiodes? They never showed the battle with Ray Gil, and the 1st episode with Zeo in i5:

Anyone know why this happened?
Yeah! I noticed that as well. The title still remained about Ray Gil though. I do not know why this happened though...
probably they wanted to catch up with Canada because they were 3 episodes infront of Cartoon Network.Luckily Mounthagane posted on youtube he may be a life saver sometimes lol
Anybody here know when metal fury will air?
Can some one post a link for metal masters episode 38 & 39 in english. I am trying to watch the whole season on youtube but i cant find them in english anywhere! please pm me...
(Mar. 19, 2012  12:15 AM)PhantomKid Wrote: [ -> ]On beyblade wiki I looked at gingka's page and it said he is the number 2 blader in the world, who is number 1?

Ryuga is the number one blader! End of story!
(Apr. 05, 2012  2:06 AM)ACE of spades Wrote: [ -> ]Can some one post a link for metal masters episode 38 & 39 in english. I am trying to watch the whole season on youtube but i cant find them in english anywhere! please pm me...

Episode 37 to 51 isnt out in US so most encoders cap episodes from US.In other countries such as Singapore it finished airing in English but sadly nobody encoded.The only hope is to wait for american version to reach episode 37 which will come out sunday in canada .Will send you download link when it is out hopefully.
Thank you.
(Apr. 05, 2012  7:58 PM)Fakirs Duck Wrote: [ -> ]Ryuga is the number one blader! End of story!

We've already known for some time that he didn't...
hello all. Did you all watched the beyblade from start and its movie? I want their soundtracks but the soundtracks in American version of beyblade are much different than their japanese version. it would be really appreciated if if you can help me finding those soundtracks. i've searched all over the internet but i couldn't find them. that's why i came here.
(Apr. 06, 2012  4:46 AM)ss4micky Wrote: [ -> ]hello all. Did you all watched the beyblade from start and its movie? I want their soundtracks but the soundtracks in American version of beyblade are much different than their japanese version. it would be really appreciated if if you can help me finding those soundtracks. i've searched all over the internet but i couldn't find them. that's why i came here.

What are you looking for exactly, then ?
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