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So Doji is dead now? Or atleast we havent seen him since his fall? And why did Ryuga and Ldrago disapear atter giving the star fragment to Kenta? Why give Kenta the energy in the 1st place?

What other characters have died in the Metal Saga, if any?

Also, in the manga, what was Ryuga's 1st bey? LLD, or just Ldrago?
1) We haven't seen him since his fall and we've only got a few episodes left so it's likely he's dead now.
2) Well he gave Kenta all the energy from L Drago. He gave it to him because he was his friend I guess.
3) None in the series. Can't say for the manga since I don't read it.
4) He starts out with the Metal system L drago. It then evolves into Lightning L Drago later on.
But it is not sure Ryuuga has died. Maybe he comes again later...And does one really die if one is only slung?

Sorry for the question, but understand you my sentences?
In the original series, who was better, Max or Rei ? I pretty much think it was Rei, his battles was much more intense and powerful than the Max's ones, but what do you guys think (use decent arguments please) ?

(Feb. 21, 2012  12:10 AM)PhantomKid Wrote: [ -> ]Do we have any idea when the Zero-G episodes will start? Sorry I haven't been reading this forum( Beyblade Anime and Manga) like I was earlier.

It will air on TV Tokyo on April 8th, 2012; a week after the airdate of the final episode of Beyblade: Metal Fury.
Will Zero-G series continue the line of 12 minute episodes? Or will we have to wait till the 30th or so to check the guide. :3
Yes, we do not know at the moment.
What's the difference between a Special Move and a Special Spin Move? Are they the same thing, but differently named?
Yes, they're the same thing. Special Move is the dub term, while Special Spin Move is the literal translation in Japanese.
Okay, thanks!
how did ryuga obtain l drago guardian?
did wing pegasis appear in the manga?
(Mar. 11, 2012  11:31 PM)username786 Wrote: [ -> ]how did ryuga obtain l drago guardian?
did wing pegasis appear in the manga?

You can read the whole manga here :

Just look at some of the last ten chapters, and you will find your answers.
Every single one of those images and links are broken.

Also, did Yuu ever obtain Infinity Libra in the anime or manga? And according to the "oh so reliable Beyblade Wikia" Tired, apparentely, Yuu's voice actor is the same as Max from the original beyblade??? Can anyone confirm this?
Btw, Kai-V, it has been many episodes of Metal Masters, and still no explination of how Meteo Ldrago was formed has been provided in the show. The dub is currently up to the Brazilian Team story arc, so is there still more to go?
In the link I just gave, everything is broken ? I already explained that the manga covers are obviously to be reuploaded, but the hundreds of links below should work except some real broken links that I will repair as soon as possible. The images are hosted on, so they should really work ...

Infinity Libra has not appeared anywhere. And actually, username786, after reading the remaining Metal Fight Beyblade chapters, Wing Pegasis and L Drago Guardian never appear anywhere either.

Ryuuga got Meteo L Drago by launching Lightning L Drago in a cave's lava, as far as I remember. I cannot recall what episode it was shown in, but I am certain it was before the Gracy arc.
Following up on Kai-V, Ryuga had it's first battle when Masamune and Klaus had their battle. Then in episode 33 Charge! Ray Gill(English name) Ryuga at the end of the episode showed about the spin stealing against some WBBA member(not sure) and how it got faster and faster and eventually beat them.
(Mar. 12, 2012  9:26 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]In the link I just gave, everything is broken ? I already explained that the manga covers are obviously to be reuploaded, but the hundreds of links below should work except some real broken links that I will repair as soon as possible. The images are hosted on, so they should really work ...

Infinity Libra has not appeared anywhere. And actually, username786, after reading the remaining Metal Fight Beyblade chapters, Wing Pegasis and L Drago Guardian never appear anywhere either.

Ryuuga got Meteo L Drago by launching Lightning L Drago in a cave's lava, as far as I remember. I cannot recall what episode it was shown in, but I am certain it was before the Gracy arc.

??? How do Wing Pegasus and GLD not appear in the manga? Wasn't there a manga illustrated photo of Wing Pegasus?

I was aware of that, but how does launching a bey into lava do that? That is the only explination that is offered?
No, I think we just thought it was the side of Wing Pegasis, but it was actually the side of Big Bang Pegasis ?

It is the Beyblade universe, do not expect plausible explanations. Even Kyoujyu improving Beyblades is not really credible ...
Like before manga is working for me. Damien with the 3 headed puppy shirt is cute. Cute Also, nice cameo with Zero there, though I would like to know what his bey is.

Man, Adachi Takafumi draws the new manga really well.
Which chapter/page do you see the cameo?

To think that after everything, Ryuto was never revealed to have any connection to Ryuga. Was it even hinted at, other than the obvious physical clues? Any interactions between the characters, or something anyone said?

On top of that, Ryuga lives in the manga but not the anime?
Apparently there is a 4D guide that says they are long lost brothers?????
Last chapter, like a little bit halfway in. It shows 7-year younger Zero holding out a random bey with a face that has kanji for something. It looks like an old-fashioned one, presumably a reference to his samurai training and such.

Also, I like that MFB is unafraid to make fun of itself, as shown by the blazing Samurai Ifraid (Fire characteristic obviously) which Zero shows off in Chapter 00, only for it to burn his hands.

Zero here: (Click to View)
And Damien here (Click to View)
Credits to Beyblade Spirit and Kai-V obv.
thanks for those. Now the only question I have remaining is about Yuu's VA in either the original japanese or the dub. Is it true that one of them has the same VA as Max from the original beyblade?
(Mar. 12, 2012  10:23 PM)LeonTempestXIII Wrote: [ -> ]On top of that, Ryuga lives in the manga but not the anime?
Apparently there is a 4D guide that says they are long lost brothers?????
I wouldn't call them long lost, because what I saw from the manga (that was featured in the Dragonis Guide), they seem to know each other. òo

Also..the Anime is not finished, perhaps Ryuuga will come back, who knows. Daidouji is alive in the manga as well.
Perhaps Ryuto, upon having his own dragon blade, wished to emulate Ryuuga and so copied his style.

Or maybe they are related, who knows.
That Beyblade Zero has there looks like an HMS, hah. I had tried translating that Face mark before because Ginga also had the same one day when he went back to Koma Village. All I can remember is something like "Training" ... Essentially, it is just a default Beyblade for training, nothing that is meant to be important.

Ryuto is apparently really Ryuuga's younger brother, although I have not read the chapter yet to validate that myself.

As for Yuu's voice actor, that appears to be totally false. Apparently his dub voice actor is a woman, and it shows, while Max's dub voice actor was clearly a boy who went through puberty during the casting, hence why Max's voice deepened a lot some time in the second or third season. As for the Japanese voice actors, they appear to be completely different women.
I am not going to lie, the artist for the MFB manga is actualy rather terrible 0_o. Granted, he/she is good enough to be a manga artist, but these almost look like quick sketches...
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