World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

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(Aug. 17, 2011  10:44 PM)Deikailo Wrote: [ -> ]What is the plot for the 4D MFB manga? Like, who is in the group and what are they currently doing?

Also, have they gone to Russia yet?

There is a world tournament, and they are hoping to find the Legend Bladers within the competitors, which is easier than what the anime characters are trying to do, although they still travel in the manga. For instance, in the latest chapter I uploaded, they went to Alaska to fight Aguma ...

The Lavushka team was shown for maximum one page in the 'Explosion' period of the manga.
Is anyone translating the manga? I've been dying to read it.

What is the Lavushka team? Lips_sealed Man, I feel like such a noob. I don't keep up with the anime at all and I can't read the manga (which looks tens times cooler)
The Lavushka team is the Russian team consisting of the trio who have hopes of going into space.

There team contains the beyblade Rock Orso, I believe Counter(I'm a little hazy on this one), and Burn Wolf.

They're the only people who wear space outfits.
They were also forced to cheat as a way to win, because all they wanted with their victory was a sponsorship to help them go in space.

Theoretically some more chapters than the first four have been translated, but we are all just way too busy to actually work on it.
(Aug. 18, 2011  1:53 AM)Wang Fu Zhong Wrote: [ -> ]I believe Counter(I'm a little hazy on this one)

It is a pink Rock Escolpio
Thanks for correcting me on that one, though now I feel silly for not putting anything after Counter. I knew I wanted to put Counter Escolpio, but I guess I just blanked out. I probably only thought Counter because of Demure.
Just buy the english ones (Singapore version) on ebay or something. They have Vol.1 - Vol.4 retail
(Aug. 18, 2011  3:11 AM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]They were also forced to cheat as a way to win, because all they wanted with their victory was a sponsorship to help them go in space.

Theoretically some more chapters than the first four have been translated, but we are all just way too busy to actually work on it.
If it helps, I could edit the text in to fit the translations. I really don't mind helping out.
It is all the editing of the pages, which often include making up lines that were never there for instance, that really takes a long time.
Is Demure a girl or boy they sound like a boy in the english dub and like a girl in japanese and they look like a girl.
(Aug. 19, 2011  10:07 PM)InfiniteLibra Wrote: [ -> ]Is Demure a girl or boy they sound like a boy in the english dub and like a girl in japanese and they look like a girl.

Apparently it was confirmed that Damle is a boy because, in the English dub, someone referred to him as "he".
Does Flame Libra have a bit beast in the manga?
There are no "bit beasts" in Metal Fight Beyblade, they are just metaphors. And no, Flame Libra has none.
I got a Q:
What is happening when king hair turn white?
(Sep. 07, 2011  9:02 PM)Tyler Le Wrote: [ -> ]I got a Q:
What is happening when king hair turn white?

His hair turns white when he uses his special move. For what I think it has something to do with his legend power.
It is just unexplainable supersaiyan.
(Sep. 08, 2011  1:01 AM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]It is just unexplainable supersaiyan.

What's supersaiyan? Sorry if this was explained somewhere else. Tried to search for it but couldn't find it. Thanks.
I swear if that's a serious question I want to throw up.

And this post isn't me calling you an idiot. (Just so my post doesn't get interpreted wrong and would have to go to the State of the WBO topic and confess.)
It is indeed the "Super Saiyan" you see in Dragon Ball, and which is famous.
Well we know King's hair turns white when he is in serious battle.
Seeing as how the previous legend blader of Mars before him had white hair, this may aswell just be a sign he's getting more accustomed to his true power as a legend blader. Which could result in this hair becoming permanent, unfortunately...

Either that, or he uses L' oreal, because he's clearly worth it.
In the manga, his hair is always white.
(Sep. 08, 2011  1:43 AM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]It is indeed the "Super Saiyan" you see in Dragon Ball, and which is famous.

Thanks. I hang my head in shame and admit I've never really watched Dragon Ball or could get into it.
Wow that is pretty weird of King. Also the hair color different in anime and manga.
At first I thought it was white because he is using left-spin at that time. But I realize it is ridiculuos of a bey in right spinnig direction and suddenly turn left hah.

Who owns the metal system Virgo in the manga? It can't be the dude in the anime who appears in like 1 episode.
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