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I'd actually say Kite Unabara xD
He uses data to make a perfect rap.
Kenny and his computer could make some dub-step rap. .-.

EDIT: Just imagining that made me feel weird.

Second edit, I'm so sorry ... impulse.

But yeah, basically any character that looks shady and thug-like could pass as a "generic rapper".

Why did no one mention Tyson's Grandpa?
(Sep. 24, 2012  9:33 PM)Tris Wrote: [ -> ]Keep in mind this is all serious.

Aha, thanks for all your help guys. The three "Gangster" characters i've chosen were: Rick (Allstarz), Crusher (Bega) & Benkei. Yes, I forgot Crusher & Rick's original names, hah.
Hey, Grandpa actually rapped. IIRC Rick wouldn't be quiet about rock.
Blader - You do know that only people with a Tumblr account get that bolded "perfect", right?

- Hmm, let me think. Well, Benkei obviously. Kyouya, too, in my opinion. Uhh, Zeo Abyss, too. (Not Zeo Zagart.) And Sakyo, definetely Sakyo. Most importantly, though, is the one and only Blader DJ; he musn't be forgotten!

Can you make Shinobu Justin Bieber?
(Sep. 25, 2012  7:30 AM)th!nk Wrote: [ -> ]Hey, Grandpa actually rapped. IIRC Rick wouldn't be quiet about rock.

Only in the dub though. In the original, he spoke perfectly normally.
He still rapped more than other characters, unless someone did in the original?
(Sep. 25, 2012  4:55 PM)th!nk Wrote: [ -> ]He still rapped more than other characters, unless someone did in the original?

Since Rick was not even listening to that sort of music in the original, I can only think of Blader DJ.
Not sure this counts by looks but I remember thinking Ray was sorta gangsta when I first heard him a few times (specifically the line from Showdown in Hong Kong "Kevin what's the big idea busting in here?") that and sorta thinking of him as the "Knuckles" of his team (Knux had rap themes which reminded me of Ray when hearing them on SA2). Dunga has a gangsta look about him (Rick essentially being his expy complete with matching dub voice)

I think Zero from Zero-G looks quite gangsta, you could also argue that with the band aid on his nose Gingka would qualify also. As much as I hate them Team Garcias look pretty gangsta too.
Im poking my head out of hiding for a few seconds to post this

My brother found an anime store on LI, and they have Beyblade DVDs. He showed me the DVD's, and on the corner was a logo for FUNIMATION ENTERTAINMENT. (these were grevolution dvds)

WHAT?! Funimation was the distributor and liscensed managers of the english dub of Bakuten Shoot??? These were the same eople that dubbed Dragon Ball Z for me. Forgive me, the question is a bit redundant, but did anyone else know about this? Was Funimation involved with Metal saga? Do they still have rights to Beyblade?
(Sep. 27, 2012  4:19 AM)LeonTempestXIII Wrote: [ -> ]Im poking my head out of hiding for a few seconds to post this

My brother found an anime store on LI, and they have Beyblade DVDs. He showed me the DVD's, and on the corner was a logo for FUNIMATION ENTERTAINMENT. (these were grevolution dvds)

WHAT?! Funimation was the distributor and liscensed managers of the english dub of Bakuten Shoot??? These were the same eople that dubbed Dragon Ball Z for me. Forgive me, the question is a bit redundant, but did anyone else know about this? Was Funimation involved with Metal saga? Do they still have rights to Beyblade?

IIRC, Funimation does the subbed DVD's and Nelvana does the English dub.

EDIT: I just checked the Funimation website, it says nothing about Beyblade G-Revolution or even Beyblade in general.
...why would one release a DVD subbed??? 0_o meh, Ill just get them all. I like Beyblade, I like Funimation, and I want those Bakushinoh parts included with each DVD

Wikipedia claims that the 1st season of Beyblade was on Toonami, but the Toonami wikipedia page contradicts this. Which is true?
EDIT: They apparently did some subs during G Revolution, which was all I found from a quick search. Aside from that, nothing.
How strange. Thanks to the both of you.

To clarify, Beyblade was NOT on Toonami, correct?
(Sep. 27, 2012  4:47 AM)LeonTempestXIII Wrote: [ -> ]...why would one release a DVD subbed??? 0_o meh, Ill just get them all. I like Beyblade, I like Funimation, and I want those Bakushinoh parts included with each DVD

Wikipedia claims that the 1st season of Beyblade was on Toonami, but the Toonami wikipedia page contradicts this. Which is true?

In most animes out there, English subtitles are far superior towards the English dub- At least in my opinion, anyway. Funimation also do release subtitled DVDs other than Beyblade, so I guess they did this so that they can earn money their way too.

(Sep. 27, 2012  5:04 AM)LeonTempestXIII Wrote: [ -> ]How strange. Thanks to the both of you.

To clarify, Beyblade was NOT on Toonami, correct?

Beyblade was in fact on Toonami. Although, I couldn't find anything on season one of Bakuten Shoot.

Is that Grev or Vforce? And more importantly, what era was that in? I cant find any mention of it in the toonami broadcasting list
(Sep. 27, 2012  5:11 AM)LeonTempestXIII Wrote: [ -> ]Is that Grev or Vforce? And more importantly, what era was that in? I cant find any mention of it in the toonami broadcasting list

That is the second season, "V Force".

I can basically confirm everything about the Funimation DVDs, by the way.
(Sep. 27, 2012  5:11 AM)LeonTempestXIII Wrote: [ -> ]Is that Grev or Vforce? And more importantly, what era was that in? I cant find any mention of it in the toonami broadcasting list

Judging by Takao's outfit, it's V-Force. By era, do you mean the year it was broadcast-ed in? V-Force was broadcast-ed in 2002.

It is just very strange. While it may be wikipedia, this is the most accurate toonami schedule archive I knowof. Either that, or I don't know enough. Bakuten Shoot, or any of its alternate names, or any of its seasons are not documented anywhere. Searches for Beyblade Toonami also came up rather emty. But now that I think back, you are all correct; Beyblade Vforce was on Toonami
Beyblade wasn't on the US Toonami but it was on the UK Toonami after the first 3 and a half seasons aired on Cartoon Network UK. The following quote is how the original trilogy was aired on these channels from memory.

(Dec. 10, 2010  9:39 PM)Killer-Kirsty Wrote: [ -> ]When CN/Toonami UK aired the original trilogy it was something like this:

First season: First episodes up to the beginning of the Asian tournament (which had a different set of credits that just showed Tyson on one side, played one of the battle BGMs, didn't credit all of the main VAs and having Daniel DeSanto credited as Kai) late May til July 2002 (and they reran it too until then)

Then they aired the rest of the Asian Tournament way up to the Majestics arc (and having the newer blue credits with all main VAs credited) Summer Hols and the rest of the 2002 (more reruns once they first aired)

And then in January 2003 we had the Russian arc. So it took nearly 6 months to air all of season one here.

Second Season: Aired about half the season in Autumn 2003 and then the rest in Early 2004. 4 maybe 5 months

Third Season: Half the season (up to ep 26) aired on a weekend basis from July 2004- September 2004 it stopped airing on CN and BSB then moved to Toonami in January 2005 and aired the later half of the season (27-52) it took 6 months altogether from when G-Rev first aired in the UK for the finale to be aired.

And then Beyblade (2nd and 3rd not sure about the 1st season) reran on Toonami til 2006ish.

Thanks Killer Grin
You are welcome Leon Grin
This was on the wrong thread.
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