World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Salamander Ifraid : SYNCHROM - New Customizability of Beyblade Zero-G
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Hmm am I the only one whose curious about the spin direction?I mean if Ifraid and salamander are both right spinners flipping them upside down(mode change) will make them spin left...
Will this be intended or will zero g beys be capable of spinning in both directions...If they are both right spinners however I think that salamander ifraid will be impossible to spin.... Unless if the prongs of the zero g launchers will magically fit into the "gaps".
That is what I was wondering too, but there did seem to be a a sort of right-spin-only icon on the box of BBG-03. However, this new compatibility means that there are definitely no lines to stop the insertion of opposite-spin prongs at their bottom, so the only thing TAKARA-TOMY would rely on is the extra wall on the other side, in the inner portion of the Chrome Wheels.

It is difficult to explain without proper terms, but there were two blocking parts, and now there would only be one, if any.
I hope that TT's newest innovations with the beyblade line does not lead to such a critical flaw in design such as that...beys only ment to spin right should go many fans will take advantage of this, I can feel it...
Yes, it will be a dark day for all tournaments... unless the WBO makes it illegal to do that. Also, what would happen with a Right Spin Chrom Wheel and a Left Spin Chrom Wheel were to make a Synchrom? If there aren't any design flaws, at least.
TAKARA-TOMY has yet to release any guidelines for the rules in Zero-G battles and tournaments.
Oh, yea. Well, I guess that means that we need to wait until the 31st..... may I add is the day after the state Geographic Bee that I made it into... when I win that $100, I will buy up on 4D beys and Zero-G beys!
Wow... after these few years of MFB, it is going to take a lot of time to get used to the zero G saga. Brood Leontempest and a few others made some really good points that we will just have to wait and see what TT plans to do with this. Until then... lots of anxiety.
Salamander Ifraid weighs an awesome 61 grams. Ten grams heavier than Diablo.
(Mar. 22, 2012  7:04 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]Samurai Ifraid weighs an awesome 61 grams. Ten grams heavier than Diablo.
Samurai or Salamander Ifraid? Surely not just Samurai, or Salamander Ifraid would be ridiculous...
(Mar. 22, 2012  7:05 PM)th!nk Wrote: [ -> ]Samurai or Salamander Ifraid? Surely not just Samurai, or Salamander Ifraid would be ridiculous...

I totally meant Salamander Ifraid, hah. I will edit that.

Even then, that's probably going to make the use of MFB MW's in this stadium largely irrelevant after a few releases... Hopefully the new launchers are better at launching heavy beys than the old ones.
61 grams?!?!

I am Ifraid now...
(Mar. 22, 2012  7:11 PM)th!nk Wrote: [ -> ]Phew.

Even then, that's probably going to make the use of MFB MW's in this stadium largely irrelevant after a few releases... Hopefully the new launchers are better at launching heavy beys than the old ones.

I, too, share this concern about ripcord launchers and heavy Beyblades. Never had the issue with my string launchers, but launching a heavy Basalt combo on an LL2? Forget it.

Still, with such weights achievable, this does lend more credence to this series as a whole, and I'm getting more excited for it every day!
(Mar. 22, 2012  9:16 PM)LeonTempestXIII Wrote: [ -> ]61 grams?!?!

I am Ifraid now...
I'm Ifraid too! I thought Diablo would always be the heaviest MW but (NO! is said chuggaconroy style for this sentence) NO! TT had to break the 4th wall and do it anyway! Shameful TT..........

That pun was painful enough the first time, and "the fourth wall" isn't applicable in that context...

: Diablo gives string launchers significant troubles, so I'm really hoping they've beefed up the launchers somehow.

Perhaps the weight will be countered, like diablo, with the poor survival of the inconsistently distributed weight.

Every day, Diablo Nemesis X: D seems, to me at least, to be more and more designed for Zero-G use...
They cannot not have taken into account the stress on the launcher prongs ... They know about all the breaks of the Beylauncher, and we are convinced that they changed to the Hybrid Wheel System and introduced a plastic part to at least alleviate the weight, somehow.
(Mar. 22, 2012  7:04 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]Salamander Ifraid weighs an awesome 61 grams. Ten grams heavier than Diablo.

Balance breaking much?

New series = throw away all the past
Oh yes transcend that quickly eh? Looks like synchrom will be devestating!
Whoa! 61 grams!!! Coupled with the heaviest track and bottom, that would make yet another 'heaviest combo'!

Not to mention that this Synchrom is made out of the first few releases of Zero G, and I am certain that something heavier is yet to come... Smile
But seriously man, this would actually look like a war tank!
Its a shame that I haven't yet even owned the Maximum Series heaviest wheel (Basalt), whose weight was surpassed by Diablo (which again, I do not own), whose weight in turn, was surpassed by the Synchroms of the Zero G. Smile

But, Diablo shall still remain the heaviest "individual wheel" whatsoever, unless Zero G releases something heavier. Wink

And as th!nk said, I do see some problems with the launchers, now... Unhappy
w8 launcher prongs arnt compatible?ah well I guess I can screw off the prong and attach it to Beylauncher though its illegal XD.
I think th!nk is right <--------Sheesh, too much irony! Anyways, I think he is right because the pictures of Salamander Ifraid show that it is not symmetrical at all, and this wheel is probably just going to be another Diablo but a whopping 10 grams heavier.
All Zero-G wheels are going to be asymmetrical, if I've read and kept up correctly. The weight certainly is impressive, but I wonder if the competitive arena will simply be filled only with Synchrom beys, if I'm understanding correctly that not all will be capable of this specific type of customization.
Question- We can yet not call Salamander Ifraid the heaviest IMO. We must keep in mind that the individual weights of Salamander and Ifraid would be quite less in comparison, no?
We may call it the heaviest (as of now) Synchrom though....
That is what I think. Smile
Yeah, you are right on that, I imagine Guardian Adviser to be a Defense type and WAY heavier then Ifraid.
Ooooh man, MFB is trash now.

Imagine a 10 lb beyblade. Launcher prongs would break, and it would pwn xD
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