World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Salamander Ifraid : SYNCHROM - New Customizability of Beyblade Zero-G
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Ok... when Zero-G comes out, will it be legal to:
1.Use old Metal Fight beys in the new stadiums at tournaments?
2.Use Zero-G beys in old Metal Fight stadiums at tournaments?
3. Use a mix of Zero-G and Metal Fight at tournaments, like: Salamander Ifraid vs. Earth Eagle?

Also, are all the known about stadiums for 0G have swaying gimmicks?
This question has been posed several times in several different threads, but is important enough to answer again I think.

1) We won't have guidance for several months
2) We will have some guidance soon
3) This is actually just a mixture of questions 1 and 2

And yes, both of the known Zero-G stadiums appear to sway.
Hmm.. ok. But 3 is asking if in a tournament would it be legal to have a battle between a Zero-G bey and a Metal Fight bey. (Yes I know Zero-G is part of Metal Fight.)
We cannot give you any answer right now, that is what we keep repeating ... Upon release, Zero-G Beyblades will be "illegal" in tournaments until we can figure out how we accomodate them.
I am extremely late seeing this but.. Whoaaaa
61 grams? DAYUM, das impressive.
Beats Diablo. If that's an Attack Synchrom, I'm kinda scared about what Defense will be weight-wise. Especially the heaviest Wheels Synchromed together.
Already a campaign with a relatively cool recolour :

Salamander Ifraid DF145XF Burst Flame Ver.

It will be a similar campaign to the previous ones TAKARA-TOMY had, where certain products must be purchased, you fill a form, you send it in, and you hope to be one of the 1,000 picked.
Wow, that red Ifraid actually looks very awesome!
Same goes for the Black Saramanda!
Do you know what it's talking about below that? With the Start Dash Set and etc.? Is it just talking about the other ways to obtain Samurai Ifraid?
which products need to be purchased.
You have to purchase either the BBG-03, or a Starter with BBG-04 Zero-G Stadium Attack Type. Essentially, whatever you buy, it needs to be in Zero-G, and it needs to include a new stadium and a Beyblade with a launcher, which is exactly what you get in BBG-03 Beyblade Start Dash Set.

You need to live in Japan, however.

Ozerec Wrote:Same goes for the Black Samurai!

There is no black Samurai, that is a Saramanda, which I still wrote as "Salamander" in my previous post ...
Awww >:(
Hopefully I'll be able to get this on eBay still..
Or maybe some of our Japan-based sellers might win one or two ;D

And ah, I read it as Samurai. My mistake, but still, looks terrific :D
Aha, D145XF? What weird parts ..
Unhappy sadly i live in the uk, so ill have to purchase this one of ebay.
Wow, that seriously is a nice recolor!
I love the Stone Face the most, in there...
Also, I just happened to notice that the 'gap' shown here between Saramanda and Ifraid (which is supposedly a contact point, of course) below the Samurai(?)-like head reminds me of Gravity's Counter Mode...

Thanks for the update, Kai-V!
I must have them.

(Apr. 04, 2012  3:10 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]Already a campaign with a relatively cool recolour :

Salamander Ifraid DF145XF Burst Flame Ver.

It will be a similar campaign to the previous ones TAKARA-TOMY had, where certain products must be purchased, you fill a form, you send it in, and you hope to be one of the 1,000 picked.

I do not really like reviving this topic, although it is not that old, but Saramanda Ifraid DF145XF Burst Flame Ver. actually looks much nicer in real life than in the official picture :
(Jun. 02, 2012  12:43 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]
(Apr. 04, 2012  3:10 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]Already a campaign with a relatively cool recolour :

Salamander Ifraid DF145XF Burst Flame Ver.

It will be a similar campaign to the previous ones TAKARA-TOMY had, where certain products must be purchased, you fill a form, you send it in, and you hope to be one of the 1,000 picked.

I do not really like reviving this topic, although it is not that old, but Saramanda Ifraid DF145XF Burst Flame Ver. actually looks much nicer in real life than in the official picture :
That bey is awesome. Thanks Kai-V for the really good picture
(Apr. 04, 2012  3:10 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]Already a campaign with a relatively cool recolour :

Salamander Ifraid DF145XF Burst Flame Ver.

It will be a similar campaign to the previous ones TAKARA-TOMY had, where certain products must be purchased, you fill a form, you send it in, and you hope to be one of the 1,000 picked.
DF145 with XF is kinda dodgy as a combo but the color looks sweet im not gonna lie

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