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Full Version: Salamander Ifraid : SYNCHROM - New Customizability of Beyblade Zero-G
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(Mar. 14, 2012  3:10 PM)Janstarblast Wrote: [ -> ]Wow, that's nice!Does this mean that certain chrom wheels can only be fixed above, and not below or vice versa.
Or can they be fixed either way? :s

Nothing is confirmed for that right now.
Only the legendary Kai-V can view the links lol. Thank you!

The Synchrom concept seems really cool. I just wish there was an 'e' at the end, haha. The Stone Face is so long because it has to go through the Chrome Wheel, a Crystal Wheel (which is thicker than a Clear Wheel, AND the track.
(Mar. 14, 2012  11:24 AM)Brood Wrote: [ -> ]I was thinking about crsytal wheel over crystal wheel but I realized there s a HUGE stud(probably the jewel part) on it.It bould be literily impossible unless theres a hole to fit that in.

From those images, there be a hole there, I just don't know if it would be launchable and stuff, otherwise we'd also be able to flip the wheels over, haha.

Man, this is really cool, nice contact point customization. That said, stilllll worried about having a bag of plastic wheels (sorry if the name has been confirmed now and I've missed it!)

-V: Well, the top of each Chrome wheel, when upside down, will probably overhang the track to some degree.
(Mar. 14, 2012  5:01 PM)th!nk Wrote: [ -> ]Man, this is really cool, nice contact point customization. That said, stilllll worried about having a bag of plastic wheels (sorry if the name has been confirmed now and I've missed it!)

-V: Well, the top of each Chrome wheel, when upside down, will probably overhang the track to some degree.

Crystal Wheel. I edited almost everything last night to reflect this new knowledge, hah.

Yes, but if, for some reason, it is still competitive to use a normal combination with a Chrome Wheel and a Crystal Wheel underneath, then never will you have a Chrome Wheel that 'overhangs the Track'.
Well, we're yet to see if they release any beyblades with the Crystal Wheel on top, if that's possible, so it's still not beyond the realms of possibility from our current knowledge. Smile

Thank you for all of the information, by the way Smile
(Mar. 14, 2012  7:39 PM)th!nk Wrote: [ -> ]Well, we're yet to see if they release any beyblades with the Crystal Wheel on top, if that's possible, so it's still not beyond the realms of possibility from our current knowledge. Smile

Thank you for all of the information, by the way Smile

All Crystal Wheels can be placed on top of their Chrome Wheel, it seems. Yet, Salamander and Ifraid are both very flat underneath.
Hmmm.... It seems that TT has given us more info that they dipped in mystery......

(Mar. 14, 2012  3:10 PM)Janstarblast Wrote: [ -> ]Wow, that's nice!Does this mean that certain chrom wheels can only be fixed above, and not below or vice versa.
Or can they be fixed either way? :s

If you saw the picture correctly, they are almost identical in layout underneath, so it looks possible to make Salamander Ifraid and Ifraid Salamander.

-V, I am confused again. Is it confirmed that the Chrom Wheel is indeed Ifraid, the Crystal Wheel is Samurai? If so, then the Crystal>Chrom would be Ifraid Samurai?
(Mar. 14, 2012  8:26 PM)mayaman2 Wrote: [ -> ]-V, I am confused again. Is it confirmed that the Chrom Wheel is indeed Ifraid, the Crystal Wheel is Samurai? If so, then the Crystal>Chrom would be Ifraid Samurai?

Yes, the Chrome Wheel is Ifraid. However, I do not know if the naming system will change when you placed Samurai on top of Ifraid. Since it is called a mode change, they might just call it : "Samurai Ifraid Crystal Mode" or something like that.
My other worry is that they may limit customizations of chrome and crystal wheels to each "team", perhaps by shaping the "crystals" and their holes differently for water and fire beys, if they want to place a lot of emphasis on the divide... But then, we won't really know until there's information about a water beyblade, assuming shinobi salamander and samurai ifraid are both fire-team beys as their names suggest.

Really just speculating now, but yeah, something to think about, haha Smile

Forgive me again if I've missed some new terminology, I'll try and get up to date once I've had some sleep.
If all of the "Chrom"(?) Wheels can fit together, then would that mean you could do Ifraid Ifraid or Salamander Salamander? Or if the Crystal Wheels can fit together as well, then Samurai Samurai? xD
There probably would be guides with names, if really possible, we'll probably see Crystal Wheel/Crystal Wheel wheel combos. Example would be "Twin Shinobi".

Aaaand the Light Wheel random boosters just reared my memory again..... Heh.
So you have to wonder where the hell those pictures actually come from, because it is impossible that that user owns Shinobi Salamander and Samurai Ifraid yet ... I really dislike it when people do not give credit.

EDIT : Ah, here :

People do not understand that this sort of thing is disrespectful to a lot of Japanese users ...
A speculation- given that the weight of the thin chrome should almost double (due to something like Salamander Ifraid) it is possible that the plastic part will not fit, so it won't be an overpowering weight monster?

I highly doubt this will happen, but if I were them, I would do it, really to prevent something from happening like seeing a Flash vs. a Flame.

I've probably missed something confirming this to be untrue, but I figured I'd go ahead and post, haha.

Wow, up close those designs are.. Quite impressive.
(Mar. 14, 2012  9:35 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]So you have to wonder where the hell those pictures actually come from, because it is impossible that that user owns Shinobi Salamander and Samurai Ifraid yet ... I really dislike it when people do not give credit.

EDIT : Ah, here :

People do not understand that this sort of thing is disrespectful to a lot of Japanese users ...

Apparently, people think it's a good idea to steal photos and other content for the selfish purpose of getting views and subscribers on YouTube. I wanted to report that video.
-V: How is it disrespectful? On another note: I just realized, if they do Synchrom, will all of them have mixed Faces like Salamander Ifraid? Just think of how many face bolts there will be: and how they will be named. Like the Pegasus Face is called Pegasus Face? Does that mean there will be stuff like Salamander-Ifraid Face, or Salamander-Orjia Face? How we will keep track of them? think of all the pages Beywiki will need! Also, in that video I saw Shinobi Salamander SW145SD. Does it mean Switch 145 and Semi-Defense? Or something else with the name, because the underside didn't look like SW145SD we all know.

EDIT: I just went to username786's page and saw the Shinobi Salamander Thread, and saw Kai's post on how SW145 and SD are the same ones we know.

EDIT2: I have changed Thin Chrome Booster to Synchrom. But, on the post below: Answer my questions please!
Nobody should be using the terminology "thin chrome" anymore, that is now wrong and the actual spelling is very clear now ...
Does that include boosters?
Or will we now refer to them as SYNCHROM boosters?

Ah, ok. Haven't checked other thread, my apologies. V
I changed everything in the Bey News and in the individual topics.
Wait, I just realised it would theoretically be possible, from our current knowledge, to make Ifraid Ifraid.

I don't know whether to do the whole "Yo Dawg" thing or joke about Flash being prophetic.
(Mar. 15, 2012  1:44 AM)th!nk Wrote: [ -> ]Wait, I just realised it would theoretically be possible, from our current knowledge, to make Ifraid Ifraid.

Yo dawg...

I actually said in the post starting this page (sorry!) they could refer to plastic + plastic or metal + metal as "Twin" Synchrom.
(Mar. 15, 2012  1:50 AM)Codeine Extorts Wrote: [ -> ]
(Mar. 15, 2012  1:44 AM)th!nk Wrote: [ -> ]Wait, I just realised it would theoretically be possible, from our current knowledge, to make Ifraid Ifraid.

Yo dawg...

I actually said in the post starting this page (sorry!) they could refer to plastic + plastic or metal + metal as "Twin" Synchrom.

Ahh, I missed that! I often tend to overlook posts with no avatar for some reason, get yours back, I don't like missing your posts :c

Good point, I didn't consider the fact they might already have something planned for that/will probably have names for that kind of thing less goofy than "Ifraid Ifraid", haha.

By the way, I totally call Metal Stone Face Ifraid Ifraid BD145/S130CF (with an Ifraid sticker on the metal stone face :3) Yes, even if I haven't started buying Zero G stuff yet (more important things to buy first :3)

Samurai Ifraid
Shinobi Salamander
Samurai Salamander
Shinobi Ifraid
Ifraid Salamander
Salamander Ifraid
Samurai Shinobi
Shinobi Samurai

And that is only with the 1st 2 releases...

Did I say we had alot of work ahead of us? Correction: We have a carp load of work ahead of us
It helps nothing that many people here will also just be tasked with having to learn the mechanics of a goofy new stadium, too. Zero-G is going to take a lot of investigation and adjustment.
On the plus side, the versitality of this new game could be similar to plastics, in that there are so many variables to consider, there will be no "best bey". Especialy consdiering the conditions these beys will be put under when in battle...

Then again, this could also be a negative as well. The series is not even out yet, and already the number of possibilities likely far excedes or comes close to that of the plastics era
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