World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: Summers Eve Showdown [London, UK 30/04/11] - Regents Park at the Bandstand
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(Apr. 26, 2011  1:09 PM)aron101 Wrote: [ -> ]Me, ToRmEnTeD, Blitz and Manicben were at the Ready Money drinking fountain yesterday and it is a pretty long walk from the bandstand. I think people would get confused on how to get there...

Its Not That Long Just Go Where The Circle Is And Go Around Lol.
If your talking about the inner circle, then it sort of is long because your expecting people to go around. It's bigger than it looks on the map.
Man I would love to come but i live over 2 hours on the bus away form it Unhappy
I spoke to my dad so im definitely coming Blitz
coming 100%
put me down am coming
Well, if people dont know how to get to the Fountain, or feel they may get lost,
I could always just wait at the bandstand for a few participants and guide them to the fountain.
Its no biggie, but i wouldnt mind doing that for our less adventurous members Grin
(Apr. 27, 2011  6:08 PM)Manicben Wrote: [ -> ]Well, if people dont know how to get to the Fountain, or feel they may get lost,
I could always just wait at the bandstand for a few participants and guide them to the fountain.
Its no biggie, but i wouldnt mind doing that for our less adventurous members Grin
Read ThePokeBlader's post on the page before.
put me down as mabye
(Apr. 27, 2011  6:30 PM)ControL_ Wrote: [ -> ]
(Apr. 27, 2011  6:08 PM)Manicben Wrote: [ -> ]Well, if people dont know how to get to the Fountain, or feel they may get lost,
I could always just wait at the bandstand for a few participants and guide them to the fountain.
Its no biggie, but i wouldnt mind doing that for our less adventurous members Grin
Read ThePokeBlader's post on the page before.

Haha, lol. I better read before i open my trap. Thanks for pointing that out.
I leave it to ThePokeBlader then. Grin
hey blitz its cappricorne can you put me in the summers eve showdown tournament on april 30.[/font][/size]
hey blitz its cappricorne can you put me in the summers eve showdown tournament on april 30.
put me down im coming
Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying
Has anyone heard about what happened with the jubilee line ... might not be able to come .... Crying
But i probably will come....
According to the weather forecast it will be raining both Friday and Saturday... If it does rain Friday then we will be changing the location back to the Bandstand, just a little pre-warning for everyone.
blitz can you put me in plees
put me down as coming
put me down im coming
(Apr. 27, 2011  10:35 PM)BeyHyperKiller Wrote: [ -> ]Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying
Has anyone heard about what happened with the jubilee line ... might not be able to come .... Crying
But i probably will come....

Why, the jubilee line seems fine to me, just checked their calendar, no delays/engineering.
(Apr. 27, 2011  11:42 PM)Blitz Wrote: [ -> ]According to the weather forecast it will be raining both Friday and Saturday... If it does rain Friday then we will be changing the location back to the Bandstand, just a little pre-warning for everyone.

A couple of showers. Might see a bit of sunshine.
(Apr. 28, 2011  4:53 PM)Cyber Kerberous Wrote: [ -> ]
(Apr. 27, 2011  10:35 PM)BeyHyperKiller Wrote: [ -> ]Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying
Has anyone heard about what happened with the jubilee line ... might not be able to come .... Crying
But i probably will come....

Why, the jubilee line seems fine to me, just checked their calendar, no delays/engineering.
Have you not seen the news? Apparently they have had lots of break downs because a part of the train come of or something like that. But now there saying they are trying to fix it before the royal wedding so now i am definitely coming.
(Apr. 27, 2011  11:42 PM)Blitz Wrote: [ -> ]According to the weather forecast it will be raining both Friday and Saturday... If it does rain Friday then we will be changing the location back to the Bandstand, just a little pre-warning for everyone.
I looked on yahoo weather and it says like from 12:00 to 15:00 it should be 18 degrees and sunny but i maybe wrong since most four-casts are different...
London, Great London in the search.
The metcafe has updated with light rain tonight and lesser so on Friday/Saturday. If it does rain on Friday of course it will be very muddy and will take at least 3 days for the rain to soaked up.

Jubilee line problems are always there, there's nothing you can do about it. The delays are minor because the last tragedy was a week or so ago. I wouldn't worry too much if I were you.
count me in!!!
count me in!!!
oh yh do you mind telling me if my blader passport has expired
oh yh do you mind telling me if my blader passport has expired
so can we put it to the bandstand coz if it rains light ly like Control said it will be very muddy and take 3 days for the rain to saok up completly so lets just do the bandstand
(Apr. 29, 2011  7:52 AM)TheChosen1 Wrote: [ -> ]so can we put it to the bandstand coz if it rains light ly like Control said it will be very muddy and take 3 days for the rain to saok up completly so lets just do the bandstand
I agree, i would of liked it to be near the Ready Money Drinks Fountain but through most of the night and afternoon it says its going to have scattered rain. Unhappy
so if its gnn have a bit of rain then that means we put it to the bandstand thats what blitz said "if it rains then we will change to bandstand"
Can we stop spamming this thread with useless speculation posts. Everything has been posted regarding weather situations already - Today on the day of the Royal Wedding there seems to be no rain, and if tomorrow the weather is parallel, then ofcourse we'll be playing on the grass by the Ready Money Drinking Fountain, if on either today or tomorrow it rains, it's the Bandstand.

I'm sure Blitz will give us a notice if we have changed to the bandstand, and what not.

London, Great London in the search.

No sign of rain today and sunny tomorrow!
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