World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: Summers Eve Showdown [London, UK 30/04/11] - Regents Park at the Bandstand
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Been ages since I been to one of these, I should be down for it.
i am sorry for the late notice but i would like to attend. i will be coming
Will it be until tomorrow morning when we find out which venue it's at: Bandstand or Fountain?
gud luck to ur tourneys and sorry for off-topic if it is?
(Apr. 29, 2011  6:47 PM)Cyber Kerberous Wrote: [ -> ]Will it be until tomorrow morning when we find out which venue it's at: Bandstand or Fountain?

Looking at the weather forecast at the moment it should still be at the fountain but if it rains overnight then obvisouly it'll change, I will post the location before I leave for London tomorrow.
(Apr. 29, 2011  7:01 PM)Blitz Wrote: [ -> ]
(Apr. 29, 2011  6:47 PM)Cyber Kerberous Wrote: [ -> ]Will it be until tomorrow morning when we find out which venue it's at: Bandstand or Fountain?

Looking at the weather forecast at the moment it should still be at the fountain but if it rains overnight then obvisouly it'll change, I will post the location before I leave for London tomorrow.

Ah OK great! Hopefully It'll remain dry, the bandstand tends to get ridiculously crowded (especially when odd meditators turn up with oriental music =_=).
sorry i have noticed that i am not on the list is it ok if you put me down as coming
Woo! Can't wait till tomorrow. Will be my last tourney for two months so I better make the most of it.
It was suppose to rain today but it held out. Hopefully it will be like that tommorow.
OK people we will be holding the tournament at the Bandstand

It's been raining on and off over the last couple of hours so we might as well play it safe and go to the Bandstand.
51 people have put there names down on either the confirmed or maybe list so far, so I expect a turnout of about 30. I think there'll be enough room on the bandstand, 4-6 groups
Awesome. At least that makes it easier for me to get to.
hey blitz what time is the actauly tourney coz please dont put it at 11:30 coz i have to wait for my sis to come and thats at like 11:45 and if i take train it shouldn't be over 15 miniutes
We want to have people there on time for once we are fed up of people turning up late then getting moaned at by parents and kids asking when it's going to start...

Also if people didn't already see by the change of title and my post a couple up
It will be at the Bandstand. (I know what most of you are like, someone is going to end up at the fountain)
HEY IM NOT Gnna be long i will be there at like 12:15 coz in your other tourneys the tourney will actually start at 12:30 and plus i dont c y people gnna moan coz itz not cold outside its nice and sunny and they complained half the time coz it was cold and they dont wnna wait long in the cold
I have noticed that my name is not on the list, am i still coming?
ill make it put me down
(Apr. 30, 2011  7:49 AM)rentao Wrote: [ -> ]I have noticed that my name is not on the list, am i still coming?
What do you mean? Read the list carefully! You are there! 3rd to bottom.
(Apr. 30, 2011  7:45 AM)Blitz Wrote: [ -> ]We want to have people there on time for once we are fed up of people turning up late then getting moaned at by parents and kids asking when it's going to start...

Also if people didn't already see by the change of title and my post a couple up
It will be at the Bandstand. (I know what most of you are like, someone is going to end up at the fountain)

If the bandstand is not crowded and it's not raining is it possible we will go to the fountain?
It looks quite sunny outside and its only 8:00 to be honest i think it will be quite sunny by 11:30.
(Apr. 30, 2011  8:13 AM)Ultrablader Wrote: [ -> ]If the bandstand is not crowded and it's not raining is it possible we will go to the fountain?

We will definetly be meeting at the Bandstand now. We may move when most the Bladers arrive but it depends on how crowded it gets.
Just checked AccuWeather and it will be sunny for the rest of the day Grin I'll be coming soon.
were are we going 2 meet up?
Read the OP.
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