Put me down as coming. I seriously hope we manage BRR instead of DE...
Chances are really slim though...
And ill bring my attack stadium so hooray!
Btw, why the fountain this time? something wrong with bandstand, or is it 'occupied'?
Shouldn't be because I will be there alone, so you can join if you want.

(Apr. 22, 2011 7:04 PM)Manicben Wrote: [ -> ]Btw, why the fountain this time? something wrong with bandstand, or is it 'occupied'?
It's because the area around the Bandstand gets very crowded at the weekend when the weather is nice, there is much more space for us near the Fountain.
Gotcha, very long walk to fountain, but its worth it!
Is it a concrete or grassy base? I may need to bring a mat or something...
(Apr. 22, 2011 7:27 PM)Manicben Wrote: [ -> ]Gotcha, very long walk to fountain, but its worth it!
Is it a concrete or grassy base? I may need to bring a mat or something...
We'll move onto the grass, but mats come in handy anyway.
Are there any shade/shelter near the fountain?
Toilet-Bush, fountain
Shelter-Clouds, fat people
Shade-Clouds, Trees
Food-Hotdog stand, cafe
(Apr. 22, 2011 7:41 PM)RAW Wrote: [ -> ]Toilet-Bush, fountain
Shelter-Clouds, fat people
Shade-Clouds, Trees
Food-Hotdog stand, cafe
I just checked the map and weblink, and there are toilets nearby. My only issue now is what if it rains.
(Apr. 22, 2011 7:40 PM)BladeStorm Wrote: [ -> ]Are there any shade/shelter near the fountain?
Theres a lot of trees for shelter/shade so we can go under them if it's too hot/sunny.
If looks like it's going to rain then we'll have to trek back to the Bandstand.
(Apr. 22, 2011 7:41 PM)RAW Wrote: [ -> ]Toilet-Bush, fountain
Shelter-Clouds, fat people
Shade-Clouds, Trees
Food-Hotdog stand, cafe
Fat people was really uncalled for.
Did I touch a nerve?
Don't use the word "trek". It sounds like that we are actually going to be using energy -__-
Please put me down as a maybe, I will possibly make it with ControL_ and crew.
Very nice place, went there the other day. There are a lot of passers by but compared to the Bandstand where I also boatrided passed, it was noticeably less.
I will be bringing 2 x TT Attack Stadium. Both legal for WBO competitive play.
put me down as attending, i should be able to come this time! LOL.
but me as maybe
hate tto double post but no but my on comfired please i can come

Yay and my flame byxis has arrived
Toilets are actually pretty far away from this venue. Don't really advise anyway to go in a bush, anyway.
I actually dont know if can make it on time because I live so fare away so can you chane me to maybe please.
(Apr. 22, 2011 10:21 PM)♥ Wrote: [ -> ]Toilets are actually pretty far away from this venue. Don't really advise anyway to go in a bush, anyway.
You mean "Don't really advise anyone ..."
I'm pretty sure the cafe/restaurant there has a toilet without you needing to actually buy something. Much like the toilet near the bandstand everyone popped into.
(Apr. 22, 2011 11:49 PM)RAW Wrote: [ -> ] (Apr. 22, 2011 11:27 PM)Ultimate Zero Wrote: [ -> ]One I live over 10 miles away so I dont know if I can come plus my family is bisy with importent things.
P.S I dident go to the bristol tournament because is good friday.
Dude 10 miles is nothing. I travel of 20 miles by bus to get to school everyday, stupid tfl. Anyway just wanted to share that.
What is wrong with peein in a bush? Not like you are peein on the grass were ppl have sit and lie on....
The area is very populated during warm days; It's not recommended, just use the toilets in the restaurant.
hey can some one give me a better pic of the place and mo info coz on my map it dont say anything bout lucky driking foutain
Put me down as a maybe please

(Apr. 23, 2011 9:06 AM)TheChosen1 Wrote: [ -> ]hey can some one give me a better pic of the place and mo info coz on my map it dont say anything bout lucky driking foutain
Read the OP, all the info is there. There's even an a red line pointing at the exact spot.
Whens the next one after this gonna be?