Says on the events proposals thing. 28th and 29th of May. At least that's the way it looks at the moment. This could change though.
It's going to happen at the MCM Expo I think as those 2 dates are the weekend it's going to be running.
MCM expo?!?! dont we need to pay to actually get into that thing?!?!
And did someone say they lived 10 miles or sth away and said they were FAR away?
Listen dudes, i live about 30 miles away!!! I have to take a train for an hour, take tube from Tot Hale to Regents.
hm, i dont think he can say he lives far away now.

Seeing as I haven't been to one of these things for a long time, put me down as a maybe.
Also (Seeing as my wares are pretty much outclassed now) I'll just be there for free battles and I may not be doing tourney blading until around at least after the next tourney.
(Apr. 23, 2011 1:40 PM)Manicben Wrote: [ -> ]MCM expo?!?! dont we need to pay to actually get into that thing?!?!
And did someone say they lived 10 miles or sth away and said they were FAR away?
Listen dudes, i live about 30 miles away!!! I have to take a train for an hour, take tube from Tot Hale to Regents.
hm, i dont think he can say he lives far away now. 
I don't know as I have never been to one but maybe? They used to do expo tournaments though.
(Apr. 22, 2011 11:37 PM)ControL_ Wrote: [ -> ] (Apr. 22, 2011 10:21 PM)♥ Wrote: [ -> ]Toilets are actually pretty far away from this venue. Don't really advise anyway to go in a bush, anyway.
You mean "Don't really advise anyone ..."
I'm pretty sure the cafe/restaurant there has a toilet without you needing to actually buy something. Much like the toilet near the bandstand everyone popped into.
Yeah, that.
I went into the Honest Sausage before and they wouldn't let me use their toilets. It's always good to try, but the nearest guaranteed ones are at 6 on the map, which is pretty far away.
Also if possible, can we keep discussion focused on this tournament, instead of speculation on the next one already ...
I mgiht come so put me down as maybe
(Apr. 23, 2011 1:34 PM)aron101 Wrote: [ -> ]It's going to happen at the MCM Expo I think as those 2 dates are the weekend it's going to be running.
Unfortunately, the WBO hasn't made any arrangements with the MCM Expo as the people who used to organise it (Rocky and Ellz) aren't here anymore

Hey Blitz i May Bring a Stadium With Me And Also If Anyone Wants To Meet Me In The Bandstand We Can All Walk There PM Me. I Know All The Directions To Regents Park As i Live Very Near There :p Must Be There At 10:30
Coming With Me: TheChosen1, BLAZING DRAGON
the poke blader yeh that would be nice if you can show where the lucky driking foutain is please and thanks
soz guys, cant make this 1, will c ya'll at next tourney
put me on the list i am coming
i will be attending for sure
Sign me up please. good thing i came online and saw this before the weekend
can you put me as maybe please
i can come now put me down
put me down for it mabye do put me as a maybye dont know
yea i might bring my stadium im not sure

so yea
Internet is finally back up and running again! Everything seems good so far but Blitz isn't it called the 'Ready' Money Drinking Fountain? Just so there is no confusion people should be aware the name may vary.
Rest of results for beypoints will be sent within the next few hours and Tag Team Tourney thread will be up.
So yeah sorry for my absence but I'm back so any questions or problems I'm all ears.
Me, ToRmEnTeD, Blitz and Manicben were at the Ready Money drinking fountain yesterday and it is a pretty long walk from the bandstand. I think people would get confused on how to get there...
If they go to the Bandstand first then they might but if they just look on one of the many maps there are in the park the fountain is on there. It really shouldn't be much of a problem...