whuts your favorite beyblade?

hey guys whuts your favorite beyblade and give description of why you like that bey or whut you like about it.
my favorite bey is Flame Bull100F
its my favorite because it has the flame fusion wheel and its an attack type also because i just straight out like any beyblade thats ____Bull____
so whuts your favorite and please be descriptive
i dont think this belongs here but......i would have to say Dragoon (Agalaxy,ms and msuv) and rock leon cant decide
dragoon cause: hes fast,wind my favorite element,hes strong,he looks cool and hes epic
rock leon: cause i like lions,cause of kyoya,bestdenece blade in my opion and alse controls the element of wind
Dark wolf, it's a balance type meaning that its unpredictable! and i love that!XD
Lightning Ldrago 100hf corocoro limited edition.
