where can i find people to blade with?

i really wanna get back into blading after first quitting due to lack of people to play with but even on here it looks like theres no-one near me Unhappy wheres the closest place i could go? i do have transport (motorbike). thanks guys
Well I live in Dorset but you propably won't go there .
thanks for the offer mate but thats a little too far its like a 2 and a half hour drive Uncertain
There are a few of us in Bristol but don't expect anything too soon.
Bristol isn't that far away I guess from where I live, if there was actually something going on there I might come.
ah thats a little closer, thanks for the heads up ill keep my eyes peeled. and i dont actually think i have any beyblades left so will need some prep time.
Use a proper prefix in your topic title.
will do next time, soz
(Apr. 21, 2010  7:39 PM)zeek609 Wrote: will do next time, soz

You can still edit the thread title to include the prefix.
would if i knew how :s
Click on Edit - Full Edit, then add the prefix to the subject name.
(Apr. 21, 2010  8:31 PM)zeek609 Wrote: would if i knew how :s

Click "Edit" on the opening post of this thread, and go to "Full Edit". When you do that, it will bring up an entire section allowing you to edit that post. Just add the prefix in field where it says "Subject" and click "update post" at the bottom.
I dont mean to sound like I'm scrounging for personal info, but wouldnt a rough Idea of your location make it easier for people to make offers to battle you?
idk but check m profil where i live
a bit late but, i live in cirencester, so not to far away