the ultimet war ( could use some characters)

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the war has raged on for over a hundred years now. soldier after soldier being taken down and destroyed. I remember the last words i heard from my freind asher over the com in my ear. " it was an honor serving with you." then there was a giant explosion. i regret sending asher to lead a squad that day. i knew there was to many enemies over coming from the east but i sent him anyways and his whole team dies. but that is the past and i have to move on. my name is josh and i am the ultimate war master. this is my story.

chapter 1


" jake you can't take them alone. take ben and issac with you." i said.
" no way they will just slow me down. besides issac can't even shoot a pistol." jake protested " that may be true jake, but he is our best sniper and he can watch your back. plus also ben can use two rifles at the same time. That can help. just try. can you do that jake?" " fine commander i will do it." moaned jake. " good then you three move out." "yes sir!!" they all said at the same time.

10 minutes later....
There was a crackling noise in my com. " Commander... we need immediate ba-" Then it just stopped. " jake can you hear me jake. Ah it is no use,it is shot." It started to crackle again. " Hello Commander Josh this is your number one enemy,but you dont know that yet. Your luitenant and his team didnt stand a chance. So now they are all dead thanks to you. That is all. i will be watching you." Then it went silent again. " how could i have done this." I thought to myself. I will avenge their deaths for certain. but there is no time i need to get my men out of here. And so we left.

how is that for a starter.
chapter 3

It has been a day since i lost my luitenant. I have been trying to figure out who that person was over the com. But i have another battle to fight. the transport is taking us to the middle of the sahara. " commander enemy fighters coming in. they are hot on our tail!!" said the pilot. " I will lead some of our men in a fighter squadron commander." said Lorence. " Ok captain. lead them and take down those fighters. one hit to the hull of this transport and we will plummit 50 thusand feet. you got that captain." i said. " Sir Yes Sir!!" he yelled back. They were in the fighters and went off to take out the enemy. " Commander one of the fighters got by the squadron what should we do?" said the pilot. :keep this thing steady!!" i yelled back. " jerry you're with me." i said. i jestured towards the back turrets. we got in and shot at the fighter. we kept missing. 5 more fighters came into the battle. i tried contacting the captain. BOOOOMM!! it was the captain's fighter he was shot down with the rest of the squadron. the fighters opened fire on the transport. I started shooting i took down two of them. There were 10 left. the front fighter shot straight for jerry's turret. BBAAMM!! oh no the turret was out. the other fighter shot straight for my turret.

to be continued...