scott pilgram vs the world!!!!!

Poll: would you want a scott pilgram vs the world 2

yeah definetly
not realy 1 is a nough
Total: 100% 5 vote(s)
i searched around and didnt find a thread like this so this is for the game so that you can discuss achevment help cool combos some videos of you playing the game and little easter eggs hidden around the game i just got the game today and i love it.i love the music the gameplay.and i also bought the knives add on 2 so yeah enjoy.
just beat the game with scott and knives.
I dislike that movie.
yeah but im not talking about the but the game.the music is awesome a little hard but not that and game diffrent.for example you dont battle gideon just once then you win no he has 3 forms all kinda difficalt.
yes yes it is.the game nothing like the movie he dosent just meet the ex in the game they all have there specefic stage with special areas.the rock star dude flicks you off to
You've convinced me to play it.
good you sould it is 800 micro soft points on xbox live.not sure about ps3 though.the game is fun and it is really enjoyable.hey whats not fun about hiting dudes over and over till you get a 194 combo(thats what i did)
(Feb. 02, 2011  1:13 PM)bladerxack8522 Wrote: not sure about ps3 though

It's 9.99, I think (Which isn't 10 bucks, so it's totally worth it, right?)
yeah you get awesome music awsome 8 bit gameplay and canadian zombies.thats right i said canadian zombies.
I have a few things to say.

first, the graphics are not not 8 bit. at all.

Second, the game IS pretty fun. very fast paced side scrolling brawler action.

Third, have you even read the series? yes, it was a book series before it was a movie and a game.

Fourth, it's Scott Pilgrim, not pilgram, just feeling the need to correct that.

and fifth, zombies, canadian zombies, whatever. They were really only a small part of the game, and have absolutely nothing to do with the plot.

So yeah, I'm a fan of this series. very charming storyline, to say the least. How did you learn about scott pilgrim? through the movie? the game? the original book series?
well 16 bit.i dont remember where i learned i think i saw the trailer type up on google then figured they had a game.sory about spelling i suck at it.i read a little of the book though.
and i know zombies has nothing to do with the game but its a fun mode that i thought i sould point out they had it.
the game gets boring after you beat it with 4 people jess i still play it though.the game sould have online co-op mode that would be fun.
i really really want to get this is it on pc or something cause i dont have a ps3 or xbox360 on a side not i love mathew patel boss music in the game in fact im listening to it right now its so catchy its stuck in my head but it so awsome