hi im knew

hi im knew here,
and knew to mfb and hws.

Hmm this is a good time to ask. My order form MOJ just arrived. I have:

Pegasis 145D
Bull 145S
Leone 145F
Libra DF145BS
Escolpio WD145B
Gemios DF145FS
Capricorne 100HF
Storm Pegasis 105RF
Rock Leone 145WB
Flame Sagittario C145S
Quetzalcoatl 90WF
Aquario DF145SF
Virgo 125BS
Clay Aries ED145B
Wind Aquario 100HF/S
Flame Wolf H145S
Dark Sagittario WD145SD
Rock Bull WD145HF
Storm Sagittario 145SD
Flame Bull 105WB
Mad cancer CH120FS

My MFB collection has now exceeded my BS one.
wow, youve got loads you must be filthy rich, ive only got one, from this dude sellin them cheap
If it was cheap are you sure you didn't buy a fake. Post the link and I will check for you.
Ah right it was bought in person. It's just many fake MFB have been showing up recently.
This user was wbo's other account. He has been warned, and is now suspended for one week.