hi im alquin2


well erm hi im new here

i have read a few things already about this passport thing and frankly i got no clue what you are all on aboutXD

but i know i wont buy one until i know were to look to see tournies in my area so can someone plz tell me how to find them.....plz?

and if i have spelt anything wrong forgive me im still in kiddies school
Upcoming tournaments are usually shown on the left side of the index page of the forums. At the moment, events are being planned for Melbourne in Australia and also for the United Kingdom, in London.

Where do you live though ?

Furthermore, the Blader Passport costs ten US dollars, per year. It is an easy way for you to go to any tournament without having to pay five dollars for each of them to be able to enter. We also sometimes organize giveaways or special things for Passport Holders, so it is even more useful. You choose whether you want to buy one though : if you live in a very isolated area where nobody is interested in Beyblade and that no tournament will ever be hosted there, it is comprehensible that you would not want to buy a Blader Passport.
hi welcome alquin2 you can see upcoming tournaments on the 1st page and look at the organized play on the main page
(Dec. 12, 2009  8:21 PM)Kai-V Wrote: Upcoming tournaments are usually shown on the left side of the index page of the forums. At the moment, events are being planned for Melbourne in Australia and also for the United Kingdom, in London.

Where do you live though ?
thanks bothe of you and im from liverpool [moving to newcastle in 4 weeks] kai-v so i mabye if i can conivince my parents to drive me to london i can show up and i may pay for a few of the ones i go to see how much i enjoy it you know?

and 1 last thing is there a certin age u must be to enter im still pretty young
There is no age limit in the World Beyblade Organization.

We have a few ten-year-olds even.

By the way, I can make you a signature. Send me the details in private message.
oh if you want someone to make you a sig you should go to this thread and ask and be specific with what you want http://worldbeyblade.org/Thread-Requests...#pid218115
thanks again both of u for the info im going to try getting my parents to take me to the london meet
you could propose an event?
and im 11 too Smile
(Dec. 12, 2009  9:10 PM)BLaDeZ Wrote: you could propose an event?
and im 11 too Smile
cool at least there are ppl here around my own ageWink

and what do u mean by propose
maybe ask an older more experienced member to try and gather interest or host an event
restating what bey tempest said, theres a few bladers from newcastle.
this should help Newcastle Bladers
thanks blades
oh you should put yourself on the blader map so you can find other bladers in your area who are on there
im alreay on it but ty anyway
WelcomeSmile hope you have a fun time here at WBO!
thanks to all who have welcomed me
Welcome! I'm 11 too! (And so is Ash)
(Dec. 13, 2009  12:03 AM)SonicManEXE Wrote: Welcome! I'm 11 too! (And so is Ash)
yeah i saw ash was 11 [and in beyblade heaven] anyway thanks for the welcome
Northern English blader ftw! I'm from Lancaster myself (know it?)

Welcome! Smile
(Dec. 13, 2009  10:14 PM)Neeek Wrote: Northern English blader ftw! I'm from Lancaster myself (know it?)

Welcome! Smile

yup lancaster went there for a summer party [it rained]