hey, i'm new. (:

hai, i'm kazuki

my brother's username is:
Welcome to the WBO Soopah's brother!
Welcome Soopah's bro......... or sis?
Have a gud time
(Mar. 11, 2011  5:09 PM)kc Wrote: hello i' m new

not the place to say that here, i'm sure it would be better if you made your own thread saying your new, unless you did already. ._.''
hey peeps i just made a new account because my old one well i forgot my username and if somebody lives in pennslvania and has a beyblade team can you reply to this
(Mar. 14, 2011  2:44 AM)nightorso9613 Wrote: hey peeps i just made a new account because my old one well i forgot my username and if somebody lives in pennslvania and has a beyblade team can you reply to this
make your own, introduction, please. This is annoying me, and i'm not even the one who made this ._.
(Mar. 14, 2011  2:55 AM)keyoya0305 Wrote: hi i am new

Please look at the post above you.
WELCOME TO THE WBO, to three of you!!!
I agree with you, janpegasus!!!
To kc and keyoya0305, I understand your problem because I too did the same thing because I don't know how to make a topic 'cause I don't know where is the "New Topic" button right?
Thanks for reading.
Welcome to the WBO! Any questions ask me.THX