greetings earthlings

hello, rayquazonX here.
im 10, a fan of pokemon, beyblades, C.O.D and lego. im quite the gamer and i own a bunch of different guides. im a great person to talk to but not that good with computers, my friend pikabattler is actually helping me get around this place. i hope to be a great member to this organization and join in many tournaments.

ps: if D.a.r.r.e.n from good game spawn point thinks im a noob then he is just talking carp.
welcome, pm me if you need help, enjoy your time here.
Hope you enjoy the WBO
Hi would like to be in team galaxy bladers
well i may as well say hi to my freind. hello. well i see you guys gave him a warm welcome already, wonder if he will notice.
thank you all for the warm welcome.
Welcome to the WBO! You will become smarter from now on of Beyblade! Have fun!
wellow fellow bladers, enjoy your stay on this awesome, greatest,and coolest site of bey bladers XD