eBay Topic

That's been known since the beginning by some of us.

Hasbro had instruction manuals on their customer service site for the three-packs since anime started.
(Oct. 09, 2010  2:39 AM)Corey Wrote: That's been known since the beginning by some of us.

Hasbro had instruction manuals on their customer service site for the three-packs since anime started.
ah, I have never saw them before so they are new to me Smile too bad I have them all or they could be good deal

and just saw this wolborg
Man that wolborg is really cheap. Only $20 buy it now + shipping.
We know already
oh yea and hes selling a sonokong meteo ldrago
We knew that it was available too.
Jeez, give him a break. He's only trying to help, you guys should be more friendly towards members on here. Besides, the one he found was slightly cheaper and from a different seller.
Just slightly less expensive. Moreover, we were just stating facts. Just because one link was posted before does not mean that it was the only seller carrying those items. SonoKong products are known to be quite common on eBay as far as I know.
Fine. But how would he/she know that you already know it's available for that price without actually coming on here and providing a link. I think that was kind of him/her to do that, and you basically chucked him out of the window just because the news is a day late.
Because I posted a link here already.
I think it was more the terms "OMG JACKPOT" that made it sound like an awesome deal, but personally to me an awesome deal is less expensive than that. Anyway, what is done is done.
(Oct. 09, 2010  7:49 PM)Fogot Wrote: Because I posted a link here already.

A few pages back yes. How would he know you did so? Besides, he lead us to a new cheaper seller.
By using the search function?
Because he could've read the previous posts.
He didn't think and was probably amazed at his find and got carried away. He is human after all.
Oh yea, forgot to mention I bagged this in earlier today: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?V...K:MEWNX:IT

I know, it's nothing special but I got it for a super cheap fee, + I needed a couple of Dragoon S's.
Being human is a prime reason he SHOULD have read the thread, not the opposite.
Facepalm. Being human as in everyone makes mistakes, no one is perfect. Move on.
Dragoon MF!

Bid, Bid, Bid!
i believe the second picture may have something of particular interest. i managed to get the seller to take that close up but when asked to take a picture of the bottom they never responded......and it ends in a hour.....oops
someone give me an epic facepalm for buying something from shopofficer
Not sure if this belongs here, but if your paypal is unverified is there a monthly sending/receiving limit besides the total limit they give u before you have to be verified.
(Oct. 13, 2010  3:29 AM)souless1234 Wrote: Not sure if this belongs here, but if your paypal is unverified is there a monthly sending/receiving limit besides the total limit they give u before you have to be verified.

Wait... You can use an unverified Paypal account?